Round Up the Cattle

Since it’s The Ranch, I wanted to do something Yellowstone-inspired. This was my attempt. I can’t say my “best attempt” with a straight face.
WARMUP: Run a lap around the campus (about .8 miles), then some SSH and Windmills
THE THANG: Lots of rounds of Catch Me If You Can. This was designed as a partner workout, but we modified it since there were only three of us. One person did the exercise below, and the other two ran around the drop-off loop until catching the person doing the exercise and switching off. Since there were only three, we got way more miles in than anticipated, but as I was a substitute Q and today would have been my run day, this worked out well.
Lap 1: Bear Crawl
Lap 2: Karaoke
Lap 3: Burpee Broad Jumps
Lap 4: Lunge Walk
Lap 5: 5 Merkins, take 10 steps
Lap 6: Duck Walk
MARY: American Hammers, Gas Pumpers, Flutters, LBC’s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Light on announcements as we start the school year, but we are looking for it to pick back up as more D2D Fundraisers begin to pop up.
COT: Stays in COT

TClap |

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