Wheels Up @ The Pond

WARMUP: Not really.
THE THANG: Run the .5mi loop around McCammon, Clebourne, Main St back to the flags.
Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Mountain Climbers, Merkins
Run up Massey to Sisk Memorial
10 Box Butters, 15 Flutters I/C, 20 LBCs (really 40)
Run down the hill and back up to Sisk
10 Box Cutters
Run down then back up to Sisk
20 LBCs
Run down and over to the steps at light
50 Calf Raises
Run to the Church lot on Harris
10 W.A.M., 10 Regular Merkins, 10 Diamonds (hands almost touching-Band Camp)
Run down to Harris St Park
15 Gas Pumpers
30 Dips
Run all the way up Jackson to 160 and take it in to COT.
MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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