Dick Webb, AB Board of Pain, and Lifting Heavy Things

Pulled into WEP and parked at the little lot at the top of the hill. Had to unload some heavy things before heading down the hill to plant the flag at the COT area.

WARMUP: Stayed in the COT area for warmups.
SSHx25IC, WMsx7IC, IWsx10IC, CPsx10IC, HBWsx10IC, MNCx10IC. Completed the warmup by moseying from COT to the playground at WEP.

Thang #1: Asked the PAX to find a spot where they can perform pullups ( or modify ) and merkins. DICK WEBB – 1st exercise 1-10 – Pullups, 2nd exercise 4-40 – Merkins. Totals = 55 Pullups & 220 Merkins, arms were smoked.

Thang #2: There is small parking lot at the top of the hill. This was our lifting area. Weinkie in this area is written below:
Sandbag = 5 ManMakers
Cindy = 5 Thrusters
2 – 35lb Dumbells = 5 Squat/Curl/OHPress
SlamBall = 5 OH Slams
20lb Rope & 50lb Sandbag pull = pull for 20 yards around the cones set-up in the area.

At the bottom of the hill heading down to the COT parking lot there was an AB BOP – See below:
100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Penguin Touches
70 – Freddy Mercurys
60 – Reverse Crunches
50 – Mountain Climbers
40 – Big Boy Situps
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – American Hammers
10 – V-Sits

The routine was simple. Starting at the bottom of the hill complete the 1st exercise on the AB BOP. NUR to the top of the hill and enter into the lifting area. Grab a heavy thing and perform the described exercise ( asked the PAX to rotate which heavy things they lifted each turn ). Run back down to the bottom of the hill and perform the next exercise on the AB BOP. Rinse and repeat until complete.



COT: STKnow!

TClap |

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