East side continues to GET stronger

We had 10 at <#C0653MWMA8K> for an East Side continuous to get stronger, with accusations FNG had splashed Merlot!!!
pre explanation of Tillers F3 name (Tiller company, a fire apparatus)

Followed by Yoga stretching and relaxing music.

Vuvuzela lead the PAX up and down stairs at Red stone theater followed by Tomb Raider.

Next exercises seated wall coupon pass. Tiller was heard giving the mission of F3 loudly. Abagnale was told to move up faster followed by Shoe String to step up the pace.

PAX moseyed into Bear crawls with two Merkins. Ringer per usual lead the beat down.

PAX moseyed to front of theater for a slalom through the front pillars to return for squat jumps 20

Moseyed past large group of coupons on sidewalk only to be told to do Mike Tyson’s in cadence 10

Murder Bunnies next with Merkins 10

FNG went topless after Bunnies and Merkins

Moseyed through pillars for squat jumps 5

Serpent into pillars for dips on benches. PAX seemed confused as Tiller gave order to get on wall for step ups 10 each side.

Confusion set in as Rosie asked what we are doing after step-ups

Tomb Raider and PTL had to be redirected to follow Tiller as we ran back to C.O.T

Goose had to be told directly to stop moving coupons OFF the parking lot onto the side walk.




ANNOUNCEMENTS: new AO coming to Indian Land soon, Convergence, Walter Elijah Park this Saturday. St John church, September 27 @ 6:30 (Dredd) gust speaker

COT: prayers for us and family

TClap |

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