
11 @ Colosseum this morning. Some early risers got in a couple miles before the workout. I found out that my planned workout was very similar to Monday’s Honey Badger workout – sorry

We began with some dynamic stretching: Toy Soldiers, butt kickers, high knees, and open gates. Next, we moseyed to the drop off loop.
I explained this workout was similar to riding a boat in rough weather, your legs will be sore and it will be difficult to walk.
Workout: Two laps around the car loop. Four cones with a different mode of transportation to each.
1. Burpees Broad Jumps
2. Lunge Walk
3. Bear Crawl
4. Run to Shovel Flag and back

Extra credit: 20 SSHs, 15 Squats, 10 LBCs, and 5 merkins at each light post.

Great job this morning!

TClap |

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