The Yard – 3 Aug 2024

WARMUP: We did.

There was a lot of back and forth down the field and back with 6-inch holds and exercises and such. Threw in some burpees, and partner carries, and bear crawls. It’s all Julie Andrews and my favorite things… that’s for Band Camp…

Went up to the parking lot track and did some more exercises and loops on the track.

– JCruise took a dump on the 50-yard line and blamed it on the dog. Or maybe it was the other way around… I forget
– FunHouse died of dysentery on his way back across the expansive plains to his home, Oregon Trail style…
– Spider-Man changed into his (not present) shirt after the workout…
– Gears went sleeveless to show off his newly acquired Hawaiian tan…
– Maximus was glad we didn’t do 81 burpees to start our workout…
– Tapout (11) carried Headspin for 50 yards, thus reinforcing my statement about being grown f-ing men. But he promises to keep himself in check in front of his mom…
– Time Machine loves ducks. Like, it might be an unhealthy focus of his life…
– Drop Thrill knows how to keep a man humble…
– 3D (if you haven’t noticed) is accelerating whilst shedding his former self…
– Suplex agrees that we don’t use the word “whilst” nearly enough…
– Yoyo Ma was the War Daddy today. He won’t read this, so I can write whatever I want about him…
– Sprocket continues to fill out his rewards card. Just a few more punches and I think he gets one free workout. Or an ice cream cake or something like that…
– Ruby Slippers loved doing a 6-inch hold. I’ll just leave that there.

When truth pulls up next to you in its limo, rolls down the window and asks you if you have any Grey Poupon, you can pass it this report as a substitute.
no poop was actually created or discovered at the 50 or any other yard line.
no Poupon was actually created or discovered at the 50 either…

MARY: No chicks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

TClap |

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