Oasis Garden

  • QIC: Old Bay
  • When: 06/23/15
  • Pax: Deacon, Airborne, Beast, Repeat, Deductible (FNG), Birdcage
  • Posted In: Block Party

This morning, 7 PAX chased the gloom all the way to an unexpected oasis of running sprinklers on some of the old Springs building property. Being nearly the longest day of the year, the true “gloom” was in short supply, but the oasis refreshment was aplenty.  It is great to see daylight so early into the workout…enough to get a “suns out, guns out” comment from Deacon.

We also welcomed FNG “Deductible” whose first post was solid.  Well done, brother!

The Thang:

Indian Run 1/3 way around WEP path

Dynamic warmup – Circle out in field

  • SSH x30 => Jog
  • IW (high) x20 => High Knee
  • Windmills x10 => Butt Kickers
  • Peter Parkers Peters x20
  • Mountain Climbers x15
  • Dry Docks x10

Mosey to front of park

  • Broad jumps with ascending Merkins to LED sign (2 jumps then stop for X merkins where X is the total number of jumps taken thus far).
  • Lunge walk // Bearcrawl back
  • Broad jumps back to LED sign, then burpees (13 – lowest number of broad jumps)

Mosey to Oasis Park

  • Box Jumps x10
  • Knee Ups (R) x20
  • Knee Ups (L) x20
  • Dips x30
  • Inclined Merkins x40

Down to lot for People’s Chair and “Pass the coupon”

  • Over head press (down and back)
  • Bicep curls (down and back)


To hill for modified ladder:

  • run to top and do 5 burpees
  • run back to bottom – 4 burpees
  • back to top – 3 burpees
  • etc.


  • LBCs
  • Low, slow flutter
  • Freddie
  • Russian Twist

10 Bombjacks for good measure



Thanks for the opportunity to serve…truly is a blessing and honor.  Great post today by all, and looking forward to see everyone out in the (now growing) gloom again.  AYE!

-old bay

TClap |

“Operation Independence” – Gift Card Drive #HIM


As we approach Independence Day it reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices made to have freedom. Even once that freedom is achieved, the fight is not over and we must press on to preserve what was attained.

This life we live on earth is not easy and when you are behind the eight ball, it is even harder. Please read this message from Tinker Toy and the plan for assisting a young man, but mainly showing the example of a real man…..High Impact Man (HIM),

Hello friends!
We have a young man transitioning from foster care in York County to full time independence who is moving into his first apartment (we will protect his confidentiality by not providing his name).  We were hoping to collect some items to help him along in this journey.  This is a wonderful young man who works very hard and goes to college…he is striving to make very wise choices and seeking after the Lord.  Will you pray for our friend, for blessings, direction, and a heart sold out for the Lord.  Will you pray that God will provide abundantly for his needs and that he will know he is loved!
There are many household items that are being donated by church small groups and our orphan ministry at our church already.  Being on a tight budget, what he would need most from our F3 family is gift cards to/for:
Gift card can be brought to any workout and given to Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman. My wife and I will distribute the gift card to this young man as he needs them so he can start to learn how to budget. We don’t want to give everything at one time to avoid the temptation of spending where he doesn’t need to. He has never been taught the basics of adulthood so we want to make sure we help him learn how to best budget his finances now that he is on his own.
Thank you for your hearts and generosity for this young man.  A life without a family entering into adulthood can be very scary and overwhelming, so we are asking that the body of Christ overwhelm him with God’s love and bless him with a little of what we have been so richly blessed with ourselves as a demonstration of His love. 
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ESV)

In His Hands,

Sean Baxter (Tinker Toy)
So men, starting today through July 4th we will collect these gift cards and get them to the following PAX – Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman.
Whatever monetary value to can do, no amount is too small as this young man has nothing but his future ahead.
Any questions, please reach out to myself or Tinker Toy.
TClap |

Block Party Hits the Road

  • QIC: Old Bay
  • When: 06/17/15
  • Pax: Barry Manilow, Longshanks, MacGyver, Copay, Birdcage, Old Bay
  • Posted In: Block Party

6 PAX chose the tried-n-true Block Party as their place to make a downPAINment.  Oh, there are plenty of other Tuesday morning options in The Fort these days, but these men know where the real party is on Tuesdays.

The pax were advised we’d cover a little more ground this morning than what might be typical for this AO.  Disclaimer was issues, and off we went.

The Thang:

Mosey to field next to memorial for warm-up:

  • SSH (IC) x30
  • Plank Jacks (IC) x20
  • Merkins (IC) x20
  • Windmills (IC) x10
  • Low slow squats (IC) x10

Mosey Town Hall for SSH until 6 arrives (which wasn’t long at all)

Mosey to bottom of FBC front parking lot for Triple Nickel (“far side” of triple nickel was St. John’s parking lot).

  • Plank Jacks
  • Bomb Jacks
  • Burpees

Shmosey to steps of FBC old sanctuary for partner work (size matters):

  • P1 bunny hops up up stairs while P2 flutter kicks // Flapjack // Rinse and repeat
  • Partner wheelbarrows up steps // Flapjack // Rinse and repeat

Find a little grass near steps for Jack Webbs to 10 (1:4)

Mosey, via Academy back to upper parking lot of Springs building (not called Springs any more, but I can’t remember the name…Initech, perhaps?)

4 Corners Exercise

  • diamond merkins x10 single count
  • regular merkins x10
  • wide arm merkins x10
  • carolina dry docks x10

Return for Mary – Seniors Choice (10 reps each)

  • Barry Manilow – LBCs
  • Longshanks – Hello Dolly
  • MacGyver – CBLs
  • Copay – Flutter Kicks
  • Birdcage – Freddie Mercury

Total mileage covered for this workout was 2.2 miles.  Check out the map.


TClap |

No Blocks At This Party

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 06/09/2015
  • Pax: Flacco, Carbomb, Rock Thrill, McGyver, Birdcage, CSPAN FNG/Patent
  • Posted In: Block Party

The virtual shovel flag was planted and 7 strong were ready to hit it when the call came in to ‘wait for the FNG.’  What?  Wait?  When do we wait?    Anyway, we jogged around, stayed close to the parking lot,  and circled up for some windmills.   We were going to do windmills until the FNG showed up.  After about 10, YHC saw some headlights and in came the FNG.  Whew – we stopped at 18

We gave the FNG a hearty welcome, advised him that if he hurt himself it was no fault but his own, and then off we went around the park.  Here is how the rest of the morning went:

The Thang:


All in Cadence:  SSH x 35, merkin x 10, Imperial squats x 20, Morrocan night clubs x 20, LBC x 20

CCD x 5, walk down to regular plank, merkin x 7, right arm/right leg high, flip over the face the sky, dips x 10, left arm/left leg high, flip to regular plank, merkin x 5, 6” hold, regular, 6” hold,  regular – recover,

Mosey to the playground for the accumulator:

All in cadence:

10 merkins, 1 lap around the playground

20 squats, 10 merkins,  2 laps around the playground

20 Russian twists, 20 squats, 10 merkins, 3 laps around the playground

20 Freddie Mercury, 20 squats, 10 diamond merkins, 3 laps around the playground

20 squats, 10 diamond merkins, 2 laps around the playground

10 diamond merkins, 1 lap around the playground

20 crunchy frogs and 15 hello dolly to finish up


I have not been to Block Party in well over a year and it was great to be back and Q a workout.    Seeing my buddy Flacco this morning was icing on the cake.   I had heard rumors of his return and it was good to see that they were true.   I hope you enjoyed the beat down,  my  friend.    Good to see Rock Thrill too who I run into all over town (S. Charlotte,  Indianland, Ft. Mill, Metro)

MacGuyver  made quick work of the playground loops by keeping a swift pace on every rep.  Well done, brother.   Welcome FNG, Patent – we were happy to wait for you, but now you owe us and have to come back.

Had a blast as usual today and it’s always a privilege to lead such a fine group.  I love F3.


Hog and Coyote – the herd keeps growing!  This will be a great event – June 20, mark your calendar.

Prayers for those looking for employment and those dealing with sudden, tragic loss.

TClap |

Crazy Game of Poker…Again

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 05/30/15
  • Pax: Tesla, Chowda, Sugar Daddy, Man-O-War, Dog Pound, Seacrest, Boeheim, Slinger, Transplant, High Life, McGyver, Audit, Red Banjo, Green Wave, Magnum, Anchorman, Jeter, Dos Leches, Black Out, Lead, Toto, Hasselhoff, Rooney, Socrates
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

As I finished my travels this week, I found myself Friday afternoon wondering what in the world I would write on my Weinke for the Q this AM at WEP. I thought for a long 10 seconds then remembered one of the hardest Q’s I’ve been a part of. I’m not the most creative, so sure, get the cards ready, it’s that time again.

At 0650, there were maybe 5 of us in the parking lot so I figured this would be a light crowd being that we had several clown cars heading to other regional AO’s. However, in those next 10mins, we had another 20 men roll in and a few saw what I was holding in my hand. Once the cards were spotted, a few groans were heard by those who’ve participated in this before.

So after a brief disclaimer, we took a jog to the lot we’d call home for the next 55mins.

Popcorn AB LAB for 3 exercises. I had intended to do more but time was getting away from me. I gave the explanation of the cards which was something like this:

Each suit is a different exercise and each number/face on the card represents the repetitions we’ll complete. 2=2 through Ace=14. Here are the exercises and the total count we completed after cycling through the deck:

Diamonds=Picabo Streets (104 total)
Hearts=Butt Kickers (104 total)
Clubs=Side Straddle Hops (104 total)
Spades=High Knees (104 total)
Joker/Other=Freddie Mercuries x 12 (48 total)

This was a good cardio warmup but not nearly as much mumble chatter as I was expecting. Round 2 had a different outcome:

Diamonds=Jumping Lunge (104 total)
Hearts=Merkins (104 total)
Clubs=Carolina Dry Docks (104 total)
Spades=BURPEES (**92 total**)
Joker/Other=X&O’s (48 toal)

You’ll notice the fewer number of burpees. Why, you ask? IF YOU CAN’T Q IT, DON’T DO IT. I’m not sure if was closer to spilling merlot, blacking out, or going into heat exhaustion. 3/4 of the way through the deck this time, I got chills and realized I couldn’t honor the Queen of Spades I had just drawn, so I drew again. No shame, I had to.

Announcements: F3 dads starts next Saturday. Hog and Coyote 6/20 at 0600 at the Ballroom. Check the email.
Prayer Requests: Healing of an aunt who broke her hip. Friend’s father who’s fighting pancreatic cancer. Continued prayers for the Eddings family dealing with the tragic loss of their 2 boys. Pray that God be glorified through this. Pray for technology certification exam(s). Continued prayers for the F3 PAX heading to Colombia. If you’d like to learn more about what you can pray for and how to contribute to the general team fund, clink on the link https://fhc.managedmissions.com/mytrip/andrewblock2


TClap |

Weinke-less hodgepodge of misery

  • QIC: Anchorman
  • When: 05/25/2015
  • Pax: C-span, Double D, Macgyver, Tatanka, Gunny, Repeat, Dugger (now Socrates), Boeheim, Magnum, Blackjack
  • Posted In: Block Party

The name above is a bit misleading bc I had pain on the brain and knew where we were going, but Tatanka dubbed it that on the Twitter machine, so it’s sticking.

With all the discussion of how good everyone’s arms felt after yesterday’s Murph, I decided testing them was in order.


Here’s the Thang:

Mosey around the park to warmup

10 cspan windmills

10 peter parkers

15 mnc with arm lifts then 15 more mnc

10 parker peters

15 IW

Planking fun

Mosey to parking lot by Springs building for bear crawls and derkins on the curb.  Start at 13 merkins, bc across parking lot, do 12 derkins, bc back across for 11 derkins, etc.  Crowd favorite.

Mosey to the wall for some sittin’.  Very relaxing.  Sweet tea not provided.  Slight mumblechatter, but I mentioned to Pax that if we’re going to get up this early, we might as well get our workout on.  Aye!

Ring of fire – group planks in circle while one Pax did 20 SSH, then run a loop around group.  Mumblechatter is over at this point.  After everyone went, back to the wall for some more relaxing sitting.

Circle up on 6’s for ab work.  Because, swimsuit season.

Back to ring of fire with flutter kicks.

Mosey back to park for Jack Webbs.  1-4 ratio

Sprint across grass to trees.  Lunge walk to playground, lunge walk back to path and then a nice slow mosey in for COT.



Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  It’s always an honor.



TClap |

Get Friendly With Your Jugs…Of Water

  • QIC: Maximus & Aquaman
  • When: 05/23/15
  • Pax: Long Shanks, Lil' E, McGyver, Audit, Red Banjo, DD, Santini, Barry Manilow, Hasselhoff, Transplant, Oprah, Magnum, Crosscheck, Trucker, High Life, Rooney, Mainframe, Green Wave, Hipper, Stang, Dog Pound, Wheels, Jerry Lewis
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

As part of our Fort Mill / Tega Cay Q-Swap, it was time for Aquaman and YHC to make the trek across the Highway over to WEP for the Saturday Block Party with The Fort PAX. 23 men joined us this cool morning for what would turn into some wall climbing, running, hill crawling and jug-grabbing. Wait, read the second half of the BB, I’m talking about water jugs.

After the disclaimer and Maximus on Q we jogged the long route just to end up back in the adjacent parking lot. Circle up for the warm up.

SSH x 50
CDD x 20
Mountain climbers x 15
SSH x 25

Count off into the 1’s and 2’s.
1’s do muscle ups on the wall until the 2’s return from their lap around the lot and 5 merkins
Flapjack and REPEAT

At this point I felt I owed it to the PAX to share with them a question I’ve been marinating on since Thursday night. I had the opportunity to listen to our own Santini address a group in Uptown about God in your career. He asked the question, “Do you find your value in success or significance? What are you striving for?” This had nothing to do with our workout but it has everything to do with us as men and our role in society. That said, we then mosey to the playground.

1’s do Pull-Ups while 2’s run lap around the playground. Flapjack & REPEAT.
Last but certainly far from the least, we moseyed to the hill, yeah, you know the one.
Facing to the left, we did sideways walking merkins up the hill x 10. Then spin 90 degrees and reverse bear crawl up the hill for another 10 yards. Jog back down.
Facing the right, we did the same thing x 10 and reverse bear crawled 10yds up the hill.

Hand off to Aquaman:
Mosey to his car and grab 1 of the 6 lovely 5 gallon water jugs. PAX helping PAX jog the path to the base of the hill we’d soon conquer while carrying the jugs.

Split into 6 lines. First man of each line will run the jug to the top of the hill but be sure to utilize the required grip on the jugs; mind your hands. Drop the jug at the top, then hoof it back down to the back of your line. The rest of the line will do squats while waiting. Once #1 comes back down, #2 goes up to retrieve the jug and carry back down and repeat this until the line is finished.

Once squat sequence is complete, do it again but this time doing lunges then calf raises.
Next set was for the lead man to sprint up/down the hill while #2 does shoulder shrugs with the jugs while the rest do merkins. Finish running and go to the back of the line and everyone cycles through.

Full-PAX jog back to the launch site trading off the jugs the whole way.
With your partner, lay on your back with your heads touching and interlock your arms. Raise your legs till your feet kick each other then back down. Lost count after I blacked out.
In the same position, doing the Protractor while Aquaman calls out the angle.
Flip it around on your elbows and six facing your partner. Doing circles with your feet.

I’d Q Block Party any day, our honor.

Murph on Monday following your normal AO. CAH ongoing. Several new AO’s starting…check the email and schedule.

Weddings and the start of new relationships. Flat Tire and family. Trucker’s house closings and transition. Keep your mind on the decision to follow success or significance. Be safe this Memorial Day weekend. Be sure to honor and remember those who gave it all for us to defend this wonderful homeland of ours and for what we hold dear. Prayers for our own Jerry Lewis heading out to serve and join our forces; we all want that brother fighting for us, I promise you. Marriages. Colombia Mission team…pray for the PAX going. Link to learn more and donate can be found here https://app.managedmissions.com/PaypalPayflowDonation/Donate/andrewblock2


TClap |

Prescription To Kill Complacency… Sudden Change

  • QIC: Bounty Hunter
  • When: 05/19/2015
  • Pax: Masterpiece, Spitz, Airborne, Chaser, Longshanks, CSPAN, Gunny, Boeheim, Saw, Jeter, Duggar, Birdcage
  • Posted In: Block Party

Pretty light mumble chatter this morning as 13 of our finest PAX appeared through the muggy gloom. A brief explanation about what to do when they hear “Sudden Change” (10 burpees) along with a little background how complacency is a disease looking to creep in your life and destroy.

Very similar approach to warm-up from my Q on Monday, mosey a ways followed by an exercise or two. Sudden Change was also thrown into the workout from beginning to end.

SSH – 20
Mountain climbers – 15
Imperial Squat Walker – 20
Front Lunge
Back Lunge
Tuck Jumps – 10
Jump Lunges – 8 each leg

The Thang:
Partner Lateral Jumps – 10 each side (rinse & repeat 2x)
Partner Resistance Merkins – 10 & Partner Squats – 10 (rinse & repeat 2x)
Partner Resistant Sprints – Push partner 40 yards, sprint remaining 30 yards

Suicide relay: PAX split up in 2 teams. First pole 15 yards away, second pole 30 yards away. Standard suicide, sprint to 1st pole, run back, sprint to 2nd pole, run back. Tag next runner. While waiting for your turn to run rinse & repeat merkins (10), LBCs(10), squats(10). Team 2 squeaked out the win with 2 to 1 victory!

Start to mosey back (but not too far).

Circle of Pain – Bounty Hunter Rendition. Get in a tight circle in exercise starting position until your turn to exercise. Exercise as followed:
Merkins – 1st rotation 1 merkin. 2nd rotation 2 merkins, 3rd rotation 3 merkins
Carolina dry docks (or CSPANS Merkin) – 1st rotation 1 CDD, 2nd rotation 2 CDD

Recover (are your arms/shoulders burning yet?)

Borrowed from Indian Lands Heisman, we completed a fun little shoulder cycle just to ensure the PAX got their money’s worth.
The Clap – 50
Pick the Cherries – 30 seconds
Put them in the bucket – 30 seconds

Back to COP, get in a tight circle on your 6. Exercise as followed:
Leg ups – 1st revolution 1 leg up, 2nd revolution 2 leg ups, 3rd revolution 3 leg ups.

Mosey back to COT (2 minutes left) so hand off 2 more core exercises to CSPAN and Gunny. Flutter & inch worm.

For those that posted, we did a total of 13 Sudden Changes (a total of 130 burpees). That was a very purposeful and represented 1 sudden change for each PAX member that posted. Today sudden change represented the extra push/work each PAX need in their lives so they do not become complacent. As I wrap things up I’ll leave you with this quote.

“The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency; not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little; not in our living above our ability, but rather in our living below our capacities.” – B. Mays

Bounty Hunter over and out!

TClap |


  • QIC: Maximus, Cake Boss, DD
  • When: 05/12/15
  • Pax: Chaser, White Lightning, Cake Boss, Zima, Zoro, Funhouse, Axle, Double Check, Package, Jeckyl, Dark Helmet, Full Count, McGyver, DD, Cerrano, Spider Man, CSPAN
  • Posted In: Block Party, Golden Corral, The Fort

Several years ago, THE FORT started with only 1 workout on a Tuesday, and as of 0514 today, there were 3. These 3 have consistently entered the problematic stage which only means one thing, it is time to recon. So a recon team led by Cake Boss and DD decided to explore Gold Hill Middle School as a potential AO. And they needed a Q that lives close by. That’s where YHC comes into the conversation. When you are called to step up by the likes of these guys, one doesn’t turn it down.

So at 0515 today, May 12, 2015 the recon began and we quickly learned this AO has nothing but potential. Whether it be hills, playgrounds, walls, long straightaways, base-paths, soccer fields or curbs, they can be found. It also helps that we have an “in.” THANKS ROONEY. I did start off by breaking one of the rules, I forgot the disclaimer. Off we go with Maximus on the warm up Q:

Disjointed jog through some of the parking lots and circle up for the warm up
Wide-Arm Merkin
Slow Windmill – hopefully CSPAN did these right and realized the benefit
Low Slow Squat
Carolina Dry Docks (CDD)

Hand off to Cake Boss for a mosey to one of the several playgrounds
Split up in threes: 1’s=10 Pull Ups 2’s=10 CDDs 3’s=Swing Merkin-Crunches (Rotate through 3x’s)
Mosey to the baseball diamond and remember your number
1’s on first 2’s on second 3’s on third (Bear crawl to the next base and run to the next for two laps around)
Mosey to the hill and remember your number
1’s Run up the stairs and around the sidewalk back down to the starting location. 2’s Bear Crawl up the hill and jog down until the 1’s come in. 3’s Freddie Mercury until the 1’s come in. Everyone does this once.

Hand off to DD for the cardio portion (still a little foggy from this one so the details are spotty)
Suicides with a twist: Starting on the sideline, run across the field and up the hill then back down to the light post then back up the hill and back to the upright then back up the hill and back to the starting line. Plank for the six for a mix of sloooooow and fast counts.
Run to midfield for 10 Burpees OYO
Run to one corner for 20 Bomb Jacks
Run to another corner for something…can’t remember
Run back to midfield for something else…can’t remember that either
Run to the snack stand for a nice relaxing wall sit

Hand off to Maximus for a little ab work
Chop Sticks & Flutters and one more round of 10 Bomb Jacks

I was a little uneasy about taking this on after having 12hrs to think about it. Between impending work travel and wanting to keep my nomadic lifestyle of checking out the various Fort AO’s on Tuesdays, I liked my comfortable life. On the flip side, how could anyone but me be the site Q here; I live right here. We’re not called to be comfortable, we’re called to serve and lead. With that said, there really was no option, I’m in.

Some of us forgot how quick-witted our own Funhouse can be but he showed up this morning. Usually there are a few conversations, tweets and emails when deciding on the name for a new AO. We were maybe 10 seconds in and Funhouse throws out THE COLOSSEUM for obvious reasons. There were no second guesses, the AO has been launched.

So from now on, you can add The Colosseum to the list of Tuesday AO’s at The Fort. If you’re interested in Qing, let me know.

Announcements: 3rd F Convergence on Friday at the Eternal Church offices, Cannoli Run Saturday 0900, Winnsboro launch 5/23, MURPH at COOP 5/25 following normal workout – $10 donation, 6/20 CSAUP-read the email, F3 Dads on Saturdays in June 9:30-10:30

Prayer Requests: Jeckyl will be helping to launch F3 in Wilson, NC back in his hometown, Flat Tire’s M, Chicken Hawk’s leadership, Maximus’ conversations with men of his neighborhood with the launch of this new AO.

Honored and Humbled.

TClap |

Core words of wisdom from Waylon

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 05/05/15
  • Pax: Longshanks, CSPAN, Chaser, Flacco, Magnum, Gunny, Crab Cakes, 50 Cal, Duggar, Full Count, MacGyver, Hasselhof, Brid Cage, MP, Pebbles, Opie, Tatanka, Sechrest, Old Bay, Barry Manilow,
  • Posted In: Block Party

21 pax posted to Block Party for a core blast plus a dose of leadership lessons from one of the original sages of Outlaw Country, the one and only Waylon Jennings.

The Thang

Warm up run 3/4 around WEP

COP — Parker peter x10, Mtn climbers x10, Merkins x10, IWs x10, Sumo squat x30

Mosey to playground and partner up

10x pull up + 15x derkins (rinse & repeat)

10x hanging crunches + 20x dips (rinse & repeat)

Welcome back to Flacco = 10 burpees OYO

Welcome from FLO-rida for Tatanka = 10 bomb jacks OYO

COP – peter parker x10, plank jacks x10, flutter x10, dollies x10, rosalita x10, hitlers x10, freddie mercury x10, sea turtles x10

AYG run to bottom of hill & plank

Bear crawl to top, 5 burpees OYO, crab walk down
Rinse & repeat
Rinse & repeat, this time backwards up and backwards down

Two lines in plank position for railroad bunny hops out & tunnel of love back (rinse & repeat)

Makhtar N’dyae x10

Knee tar N’dyae x10

AYG run to playground

COP — gravediggers L x10, LBCs x10, gravediggers R x10

AYG run home


Naked man moleskin

After three straight days of running, including trails on Sunday led by Sir Topham Hat and Old Town on Monday led by Jekyll, YHC’s lower body needed a break from the pounding.  Thus, the pax endured a core heavy workout.  By dinnertime, my core was feeling every bit of it.

The radio lyric from the weekend that stuck in my head was “I’ve seen the world with a five-piece band looking at the back side of me.”  As this repeated over and over, it brought to mind a vision for leadership that I  had not considered before and related questions, which the pax endured before, during and post-workout.  No repetition here, but a series of questions continues to surface — do social media metrics geared around number of “followers” apply to leadership?  Does a large number of twitter followers indicate strength of leadership?  If following is directly tied to leadership, who am I following and is he/she a good leader?  Who am I leading and are they the ones I am called to lead?

A hearty welcome back to a favorite Kotter of mine, Flacco!  Glad to have him posting back in the gloom.  T-claps to CSPAN for his persistent prodding to get him back in the fold!

While throwing out welcomes, one goes out to 50 Cal for his post after referring to himself as an “FNG and a half” due to this being his second post.  T-claps to Duggar for the nudge here!

Lots of goings on around The Fort so watch the email and twitter.  A personal plug here for the Cannoli Run on May 16th!  It is a lively, fun event for serious runners to family and everyone in between.  0915 start at St Philip Neri makes it a perfect option for Double Down after The Fort, Alcatraz, The Patriot or The Reservation.

Thanks to CSPAN for the opportunity to Q.  Always and honor and inspiration to lead the pax of The Fort!

TClap |