2015 Children’s Attention Home Angle Tree


We are partnering with CAH to give the PAX an opportunity to give back to the community in a small way. We are participating in an Angel tree for the Children’s Attention Home.

This Angel tree works a little differently than other tree’s you may have participated in the past. You are taking an Angel to purchase a gift for a general need rather than a specific child. These needs may be satisfied specifically during the Christmas season or throughout the year as new Children arrive or leave CAH.

We have volunteered to provide for the needs in three areas for the kids:

  1. Scooters, Skateboards, Ripsticks, Rollerblades, Helmets, Knee Pads  – All Sizes
  2. Card Games –  Go Fish, Old Maid, Uno, Phase 10, Skip Bo, Flash Cards, Playing cards
  3. Art Kits & Acrylic Paint – Jewelry Making, Beading, Scrapbooking, Origami Kits, etc.

** Note: CAH houses children from ages 18 months to 18+ years so you don’t necessarily need to just buy for the younger children.

Please bring your unwrapped gifts to any AO site Q (see weekly e-mail for Site Q list) through December 19th or to the Christmas Party on December 19th and they will funnel them back to me, Chicken Hawk.

TClap |

Killing Complacency with Captain Thor

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 10/27/15
  • Pax: Seacrest, Haushka, Crab Cakes, Flat Tire, Trucker, MacGuyver, Backdraft, Dog Pound, Cerrano, Zima
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

11 of our Fort PAX answered the call and worked with me as we discussed the need to Kill Complacency. I often find that by Tuesday morning, I’ve forgotten what God taught me Sunday morning. Call it distractions or me not placing enough importance on the message but that was different this time. The words that kept running circles in my head were, “Kill Complacency.” It’s not a coincidence you have what you have or that you’re dealing with what you’re dealing with. God knows you can handle it and is working this for his Kingdom, whether you recognize it or not (I usually don’t). Take what I’ve been given and make something of it. Don’t be complacent, don’t take gifts for granted; own it and use them for His Glory.

With that, we were gifted with the opportunity to enjoy this thing called F3. In the spirit of killing complacency, F3 isn’t just for us, it is also for all the men out there that don’t even know they need it.

So after a short disclaimer, we were off for a little jog to the back parking lot.
Spoke a few words like the above in an effort to get our minds right.

Slow Sumo Squat
Wide-Arm Merkin
Carolina Dry Docks
Frozen Freddies (Like the normal Freddies but hold your knee to your chest for a second each time)

Curb Crawl:
Line up on the curb then bear crawl to the start of the parking spots and back to the curb.
Follow by 10 derkins on the curb and repeat this two more times for a total of 3.
Line up on the curb then crab walk to the start of the parking spots and back to the curb.
Follow by 10 dips and repeat this two more times for a total of 3. This was much harder than I envisioned.

BLIMP Series:
Burpees x 5
Lunges (jumping variety) x 10 each leg
Imperial Walkers x 15
Merkins x 20
Plank Jacks x 25
Squats x 30

Recognize the Impact Christ during and after his 3yr ministry. Think about the Impact we can have in areas where we serve for longer than 3yrs (home, community, work, etc)as we strive to be more Christ-like.
Don’t let the fear keep you from engaging in what God put you here for.

On to my favorite spot of this AO…THE PLAYGROUND
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 10 Flying Squirrels
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 15 Swing Abs
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 10 Flying Squirrels
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 15 Swing Abs

Captain Thor: Cerrano taught this to me a few weeks ago so I thought it’d be best to introduce the Colosseum faithful to el Capitan. 1 Big Boy Situp and 4 American Hammers. In true Jack Webb fashion, we went to 10:40.

Lastly, mosey back to the parking lot for the equalizer known as Suicides.
3-Tier Suicides with 10 Diamond merkins after the first 2 tiers and 15 Toe Squats after the final.

Final words on failure. Remember how many times Thomas Edison “failed” in inventing the light bulb. He didn’t stop, he just found 10,000 ways it couldn’t be done. It only takes once. You determine if you’re a failure by not getting back up. We’re all here to ensure you get back up.

Announcements: Stay close to the PAX leading the 3rd F at events like Crossroads. Another plug for the Christmas Party, almost to break-even. F3 dads for the older 2.0’s this Saturday at GHMS. Black Diamond this Saturday at GHMS led by Spiderman/Cerrano. 11/7 5K in Baxter. Joe Davis Run 1/9. Baxter New Years Day Trail Run 16K.

Prayer Requests: Crab Cakes aunt, Anne. Truckers boy going through some stuff, pray for the family to surround him with love and encouragement. For the Stoops/Rhodes family as they navigate the road ahead.


TClap |

Coliseum – What is the Goliath in your life? Time to Slay it!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 10/20/15
  • Pax: Howsca, Pusher, Package, Maximus, White Lightning, Hasslehoff, Deacon, Dog Pound, Seacrest, Greenwave, Corruption
  • Posted In: The Colosseum

YHC arrived at the Grand Coliseum a little early to check out the grounds. Howsca…..Housecat…., we need to figure that our, arrived with me and we took a jog to loosen up and talk about how we hate running…..as we were running…..made sense!

The rest of the PAX arrived and after a short disagreement on who’s satellite watch was correct, away we went.

The Thang:

Mosey to first patch of flat cold wet grassy area we could find.

COP: 3 sets of the following seemed to be enough to warm us up

10-Extreme Mtn Climbers

10-Inch worm push ups (crowd pleaser)

10-Imperial Walkers

10-Seal jacks

10-I surrenders (Yoga pants recommended)

Mosey to Football field and line up on sideline

YHC mentioned that we all have a Goliath in our life. Something we struggle with and seem to never shake. Three steps to slay the Goliath 1) Stand Up to it and face it and admit it is an issue. 2) Remember all of the other challenges that Sky Q (God) has assisted you with and rely on him to deal with Goliath. 3) Cut its head off….in other words, repent and turn away from this issue and never go back to it….move on!

Next ride at the amusement park is open

From Sideline, do first exercise, run across field, do first and second exercise, run across field and do 1, 2, 3 exercises. Number in front of exercise is the order and # of reps. PAX start out fast from the gates, but not much for stamina once 11 & 12 come around…..good work to all!



3-Russian twists

4-Freddy Mercs




8-plank jacks

9-diamond Merkins

10-donkey kicks


12-monkey humpers

Mosey back to front of Middle school for people’s chair & bear crawl action and then to COT

Great morning this morning with a great PAX and AO. Love Q when the opportunity arises. Thank you Maximus for the opportunity.


Prayers: YHC’s sister Denise battling cancer, Maximus and all of us with patience with 2.0s, all the unspoken prayers and praises. God is good and he is with us daily…..talk to him daily!

Peace….Cake Boss



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Bogey invades The Fort & takes no hostages

  • QIC: CSPAN, Bogey
  • When: 10/13/15
  • Pax: Howitzer, Co-pay, Mr. Clean, Man O War, Seacrest, Greenwave, Axel, Aqua Man, House guy, Full-count, Santini, Rock Thrill, Decible, Trucker, Crash, Maximus, Sir Topem hat, Zema, Pick-6, Dog pound, Backdraft
  • Posted In: The Colosseum

Rock Hill & The Fort Qs team up for a motivated USMC led PT this fine rainy morning.

I apologize if I butchered your name in the PAX list. Need a book called “F3 spelling for Dummies”.

CSPAN led off from the disclaimer in the COT with a low speed chase in and out, up and down and all around the bus traffic maze to warm the soles.



COP – SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walker, Morakin Night clubs, CDD with good ole USMC cadence. #ahwon toe rea


Mosey to the curb for some back and forth across the parking lot. Lunge walk, bear crawl, crab walk, toy soilder, braud jumps, bunny hops, side steps

Switzer and hand off to Bogey!

Fast paced Mosey for short distance! Balls to the wall then take 10 hand stand steps to your left

Fast paced Mosey for short distance! Alligator crawl

Fast paced Mosey for short distance! 15 flying squirel & 10 count

Fast paced Mosey for short distance! 20 Low country crabs & 10 count

Fast paced Mosey for short distance! 20 dips, 20 derkins, 10 one legged burpies, low slow squats

While in the low position of the low slow squat we transitioned into up downs. Up being the low position of the squat and the down being 6 inches in the merkin. Rinse and repeat a few times. #madethatuponthefly #exiconworthy

Mosey back to COT for abs! 15 Unicycle L & R, 15 pretzel L & R and 21 bomb jacks for “thats what she said” comments. 10 bombjacks for each comment and one extra to prove that Rock Hill F3 can count past 20!

Double time Prayer & Praise


Columbia Trips / Get involved / #PrayforSC

Check the weekly email for events

Sign up and pay for the Christmas party!


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Loaves and Fishes… PAX please keep helping Columbia.

Loads, nay, tons of support has been poured out on the Columbia PAX, but we are far from out of the woods. Spiderman is trying to garner support for a Columbus day trip to help folks start the clean up process. There will be A LOT to do. If you’ve been following the news, twitter, etc., then you’ve seen the devastation. It’s not widespread like Katrina, but for those folks affected, it’s close to that level of devastation. We are also still taking donations.

SO DONATE! Bring supplies to your AOs tomorrow and the rest of the week: Dry food, water (LOTS OF WATER), toiletries, clothes, and especially blankets or other bedding. EVERYTHING and anything helps. If you can’t make that, then drop supplies by my house: 7183 Meyer Rd. (near The Coop) We will be taking more loads down tomorrow and all week long.

Thank you for your generosity thus far. Let’s keep it going.

Someone tonight as they were dropping supplies by said, “It’s not much, but it’s what we could do.” I said that a lot of “not muches” makes a whole pile of “somethings”.

It made me think of the stories of Christ feeding the 5,000; or the account of the Widow’s Mite. Men, let’s cast in what we have, add it to the growing stacks, and make a dent in the suffering of another human being. The little we can do WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. We are promised it is so…

Additionally, if you have the means and are so inclined, here’s the link to the GoFundMe site: http://gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8

Helmet out…

TClap |

Columbus Day in Columbia


As you know Columbia was hit very hard over the past weekend by severe weather.  Many of our F3 brothers, their families, and friends have been impacted.  Daily trips are already in motion to deliver water and other necessary items.  As the waters subside the clean up will begin.  Let’s converge on Columbia to help our brothers dig out and clean up.


Plan to cut limbs, shovel mud, carry furniture, etc.  We will coordinate with those in Columbia and refine the details as we get closer.

When: Columbus Day, Monday, October 12th.

  • Meet at 6:00 – 7:00 to collect donations
  • Depart 7:30am

Where:  Lowes by Baxter Parking Lot (Slo Burn)

  • 1640 Highway 160 West, Fort Mill, SC 29708

What to bring:

  • At least one case of water
  • Sawzall (battery powered)
  • trash bags
  • Face mask
  • Chainsaws
  • Loppers
  • Gloves
  • Rope
  • Hacksaws
  • Water
  • Shovels – (snow shovels and regular)

What to wear:

  • Solid Shoes or Boots
  • Jeans
  • F3 shirt
  • Gloves – I know you have some smelly ones somewhere that have seen their day in the gloom


A tetanus shot is highly advised for cleaning up a flood area.  You can get this taken care of at a CVS or Walgreens so please get this done.  Get this done in NC so you can complete it without a prescription.  Check your insurance coverage, I was able to get this done at no charge.

Please help us make an impact!

Count so far:


  • Spider-Man
  • Dark Helmet
  • Chicken Hawk
  • Deacon
  • Cerrano
  • Jekyll
  • Barry Manilow
  • Fish Sticks
  • Senator Tressel
  • Rebel
  • Smuggler
  • Boeheim
  • Jennifer Cameron – BAC
  • Hank Chou – BAC


Thank you!


TClap |

Be a #HIM and help out the Columbia Community

As you may (or may not) be aware, Columbia has been hit hard be storms and has gotten over 2 FEET of rain in the last couple of days. It’s a pretty bad situation for a good number of folks have had to evacuate and some have lost homes and other property.

There isn’t a ton we can do from this end until it stops raining, but we are mobilizing to collect supplies to deliver to our F3 PAX down there, so they can help Red Cross and others distribute to those in need.

Bring the following to AO’s where you post tomorrow and Tuesday: Food (dry), water, clothes, blankets, toiletries. Anything you’d need if you were suddenly rendered homeless. We are asking Site Q’s and Q for the day to collect and I will be in touch to collect it all to take it down to Columbia. We’ve been in touch with folks down there and he and I will be working out the delivery of goods.

If you want to donate go here: http://gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8

Please step up and help.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

When the Weinke Comes Up Short…

  • QIC: Zima
  • When: 09/29/2015
  • Pax: Cerrano, Houska, Maximus, Dawg Pound, Santini, Crab Cakes, Package, Axl, Dark Helmet, Zima (YHC)
  • Posted In: The Colosseum

Not wanting to run and stay fresh for this morning’s Q was not in the cards when half the Pax sent me messages asking what time we were running (more like Cerrano and Maximus).  0445 was the answer and so YHC, Cerrano, Maximus, Axl and Dark Helmet got a little EC in before the main event.  I really should have spent that time getting an extension on the weinke (you know what I mean). More on that later.

A few words about Even Though <Insert Your Circumstance Here>, God is For You.  This message really stuck with me the past weekend and I felt compelled to share that Even Though I feel like a terrible father, or not the best husband I could be, or many other things…God is for ME!  He’s in my corner and he’s rooting for me.  I need to lay these things at his feet and follow His lead.  I encouraged the Pax to do the same with their “Even Thoughs”. With that said…We Moseyed!

The Thang:

Run the car loop and circle up in the back parking lot for COP

  • Windmills IC X15
  • SSH IC X25
  • Mountain Climbers IC X25
  • Merkins IC X20

Move to the overhang for the next exercise

  • Zima (simulated sniper attack/faceplant) – Pax do 10 Burpees but take there hands off the ground at the lower portion of the merkin.  Package said it’s a Superman Burpee but we’ll call it a Zima when I Q.

Run to the front Parking Lot for Webbicides (Suicide Runs to the First and Second lamp post doing 1,2,3, up to 10 merkins).  This took less time than expected, as I took mercy on the Pax and didn’t have them hit all the lamp posts at the Colosseum.

Run to some more cover for Partner Work with People’s Chair and BTTW:

  • Partner 1 – Wall Sit / Partner 2 – 25 Merkins (Switch)
  • Partner 1 – BTTW / Partner 2 – 30 Squats (Switch)
  • Partner 1 – Wall Sit / Partner 2 – 30 Dips (Switch)
  • Partner 1 – BTTW / Partner 2 – 25 Jumping Lunges (Switch)
  • Partner 1 – Wall Sit / Partner 2 – 25 Merkins (Switch) #Extra

Run to the hill at the front of the school for some Quadraphilia (4 minutes of running downhill and then uphill backwards). #crowdpleaser #cardiobomb

By this time my weinke was out and I still had a good 10 minutes left #poorplanning.  When in doubt run a lot and throw in some merkins and jumping lunges.  I think there were about 7- 8 light posts back to the parking lot so YHC suggested (see disclaimer) we sprint to each light posts and do the following:

  1. 10 Wide Arm Merkins and 10 Jumping Lunges
  2. 10 Wide Arm Merkins and 10 Jumping Lunges
  3. 10 Wide Arm Merkins and 10 Jumping Lunges
  4. 30 Squats (at this point let the 1st Pax to the light post suggest the exercise)
  5. 30 LBCs (Suggestion of 3 by Dark Helmet overruled)
  6. Some other stuff I can’t remember #oxygendebt
  7. More stuff I can’t remember #everythingfuzzy
  8. 10 Burpees (thanks Santini)

Circle up for about  5 minutes of Mary called out by Pax (again memory a bit fuzzy but I seem to recall Russian Twists, Protractor with Math lesson by Package, Freddie Mercuries, Dying Cockroaches and a bunch of other terrible stuff). Head to COT.


Very encouraged to have so many guys in my corner that push me and help me strive to be that #HIM. #ISI A lesson I learned this morning was that sometimes all your planning can come up short (#weinkeout), but you have to push on with the help of your brothers.  I also learned that you can come up with some great (see: terrible) exercises on the fly (thanks to Maximus and Cerrano).  Here’s a list of some highlights for this morning:

  1. Packages Towel Wrap in COT (you had to be there)
  2. Dark Helmets Insistence on Perfect Merkin Form only to later call out 3 LBCs as an Ab choice
  3. Anything Santini throws out in #mumblechatter (funny and encouraging always)

Finally, remember that Even Though_________, God is For Us!


  • Sign Up for Christmas Party Now!
  • Mud Run
  • Fast 5 K
  • Dredd and OBT to speak at FM Rotary (check email blast or see Zima)

Praise and Prayers

  • Praise 10 year anniversary for Maximus and M
  • Prayers for Santini’s M and family on the 1 year anniversary of her brothers passing
  • Prayer’s for Trucker’s family with the passing of his father-in-law
  • Prayer’s for Zima and patience when dealing with the 2.0s

All errors and omissions are #mybad. Always an Honor!


TClap |

Pre-Blast for The Fort 2015 Christmas Party

This is a long time coming, so here it is:  The Pre-Blast for The Fort 2015 Christmas Party!

Now this will be no ordinary Christmas party.  This party will be THE blowout of Fort Mill that people will be talking about for months, or at least hours….   There will be food, drinks, rap battles, break dancing, etc.  The typical PAX throw-down.  This is a BYOB event.  This is all you need to bring.  $65 a couple is a steal to hear DD drop the mic to an Eminen classic, “the Real Slim Shady” while Menthol throws down the cardboard to show us his old school break dancing moves….  This is something you don’t want to miss.

The Thang:

AO: The Diary Barn

Date: 12/19/2015

Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Cost: $65 per couple – Pay here https://www.paypal.me/JoshuaSale  OR send check to Joshua Sale 1213 Whitetail Drive Fort Mill, SC 29708

Extras:  BYOB – If you would like to partake of a festive drink, please bring it and our bartender will be serving the PAX.

Remember that $65 now in September is easier to come by than in December.  Do this now and have a pre-paid date night for your M that will be loads of fun!

Let me know if you have any questions.


TClap |

Life is short, carry more!

  • QIC: Cable Guy
  • When: 9-22-15
  • Pax: Mr. Clean, Pick Six, Maximus, Santini, Pusher, Crab Cakes, Cake Boss, Trucker, Flat Tire, Full Count, Greenwave, Dog Pound, Cspan, Cable Guy
  • Posted In: The Colosseum

14 Men came for some fun at The Colosseum

The Thang

Mosey round the school to the back lot


25 Seal Jacks

25 Mountain Climbers

25 SSH

25 Peter Parker/Parker Peter

25 Squats w calf raise

10 Merkins

25 SSH

25 Plank Jacks

50 SSH


25 Hello Dolly

10 Diamond Merkins

Mosey to end of lot partner up

Partner carry 15 yards 2 Burpees

swap partner, carry 15 yards 4 Burpees

Rinse/Repeat up to 18 Burpees (Crowd Pleaser!!)

Round 2 Lunge walk 15 yards Partner push-up w/slap 10 each station

Round 3 Sprint to each station 10 sit-ups w/hand slap

Finish up with 10 Burpees OYO

Announcements: Fastest 5K, Mud Run, Palmetto 200, Christmas Party 12/19

Cake Boss told us about how a series of bad decisions has led a young man to serious medical issues. We have all made bad decisions and thankfully most of us have lived to talk about them but the truth is life can change or end in a split second with a bad decision. We as men and as leaders should teach our kids the lessons we have learned so that we can save them from their own bad decisions.

Great military leaders have learned lessons from their predecessors through past mistakes too saving countless lives by softening up targets or better intelligence before jumping into a battle. The same can be said in the battle of life!


TClap |