Did you know that the Hive has moved to the Laces In parking lot? I did not… until today.
SSH x 20
Low Slow Squat x 10
Moroccan Night Club x 20
Disclaimer, move to start point. Playlist set to Dispatch.
Use parking rows as pain stations
11 Reps Each Stop
Method of Travel
Rounds 1 & 2: Lunge walk to each row
Round 3: Bear Crawl KB Drag
Stop 1
Kid Launch
Stop 2
One Legged RDL both sides
Stop 3
Tricep Extensions
Stop 4
Goblet Squats
Cossack Squats
Stop 5
KB Swings
OH Press
Stop 6
Burpee Snatch
We completed 2 and ⅔ rounds and headed back to start for some Mary
Kettlebell Core Work
American Hammers x 10
In & Outs x 10
Flutters w/press x 10
Z Press x 10
WWI Sit Ups x 10
And Airborne took us home with some hip work.
Things I learned today during the mumble chatter:
UHAUL is not much younger than Anchorman
UHAUL never smoked weed in high school
If someone calls you asking for your SSN, don’t tell them
Sugarbug’s shorts are now the F3 The Fort Murph Uniform
Bear Crawls with a KB drag are “merciful” in the words of Airborne
The Fort 10 Year coming up
2nd F Lunch at Tega Cay Deli today
Shower Curtain on the mend. Visit him. Text him. Call him!
My M and our family as we grow. 2.4 coming soon
Punch List out.