The Manion

First Lt. Travis L. Manion, 26, died April 29 in combat in Anbar province. He was serving his second tour in Iraq, embedded with an Iraqi army unit that he was leading and training.


In honor of First Lt Travis Manion, the PAX completed a Manion run which consisted of 29 squats followed by 400m of running, followed by 29 squats, followed by 400m of running… 7 rounds total.


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The Hive expands to Wednesdays… only once and then the Snake Pit is back

So week one of The Hive’s expansion included a single Wednesday workout before handing it back to 3D’s more than capable hands.  Kielbasa led the beatdown and Shanks showed up and regaled the PAX with stories of bountiful bourbon caches in his home state of Wisconsin…


TClap |

Four at The Hive for an Anniversary beatdown

One year ago on this day I joined 3D and many other HIMs at what was then known as the Tomahawk at Doby’s Bridge Elementary.  One year later I have posted approximately 250+ times and led the workout in the midst of the Rona…  It was a solid workout, Weinkes were laminated and even signed this time, and a CSPAN approved photo was provided.  One year down, all of them to go…


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