So Funhouse can stop crying…

WARMUP: Very little
– To the pull up bars where we performed an idiot sequence of pullups one by one and some other exercises. Note for later, that didn’t really work.
– To the hill we all use entirely too much, but it’s a great hill, so why stop?
– Partner carries, wheelbarrows, running, bear crawling, all kinds of dumb stuff while we also ran around the back end through the neighborhood streets.
– One fake 10-count was involved
– Back to the parking lot for a fake Dora and then it was over…

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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You Could’ve Stayed In Bed

WARMUP: Run the parking lot down and back, twice. 5 Jump Squats. 10 Merkins. 15 Mountain Climbers. 10 Windmills.
THE THANG: I’m not sure how much ground we covered but the intent was to get ~2mi plus a good workout to make getting out of bed worth it. After all, we have way too many guys staying in bed on a Saturday morning. Anyways, back to the topic at hand.
Line up on the left field line and bear crawl to the McDonald’s sign on the outfield fence. 20 Mountain Climbers. Bear crawl back for 20 more Mountain Climbers.
Run to the main hill on the back side. Run to the bottom, dodging deer, 5 burpees, NUR up the other side, 10 Carolina Dry Docks. Run back to the bottom for 5 Burpees then NUR up to the original start point for 10 more Carolina Dry Docks.
Head to the Pull-Up Bars:
Each PAX must complete 20 Pull-Ups and while you’re not doing Pull-Ups, you’re cycling through 10 Merkins and 20 American Hammers on repeat until everyone is done their Pull-Ups.
Head over to the 2nd most famous hill, Tara Tea Drive, again, dodging more deer.
Run to the bottom, 10 Jump Squats, run up, 10 Diamond Merkins. Complete 3 rounds.
Head to the field for a modified Jack Webb series:
1 WWII sit up : 4 Flutter Kicks. Complete all the way to 10:40.
Get on the line and run to the net and back.
Here’s the new one. Two lines, get in a plank position, head to toe. Man in the back does 5 Wide-Arm-Merkins then bear crawls to the front of the line (Indian Run style). Keep cycling through for about 50yds.
3-tier suicides.
MARY: Sprinkled in throughout the workout…that’s more my speed. We did finally close it out with Grave Diggers, Toe Touches and elbow planking.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter (3 convergences in a row starting on Thanksgiving, Turkey money drive, clay shooting, etc)
COT: You should’ve been there. Our guys are carrying a lot these days. Head up, shoulders back, eyes clear and lean on each other as needed.

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Honoring Noah

Cable guy took the full hour at Alcatraz. We started with a mosey down the street to the fire station and back. The FNG was running a little late and almost took us out with his vehicle, thus we named him Wipeout. Back to the parking lot. In Cadence exercises, all sets of 22 in memory of Noah, Cable Guy’s 2.0 who would have celebrated his 22nd birthday.
Continued with some partner sprints and sets of 22 merkins, squats, and Big Boys.

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