4 Corners of Body Destruction

No, we did not do the Body Destroyer for 45 minutes, Birdcage! However, there was consistent feedback that this was a brutally different workout. Welcome to “ya never know what ur gonna get with Straight Up!”

A big shout out to all the men that joined me. I was very, very proud of them, and especially proud of Short Sale, Nomad and Sparky. Seriously, this was not an easy workout. A special thanks to Crawdaddy who helped with the group activities and leading his team. Here is what we did. If you decide to copy it for one of your Q’s, feel free to but you have to invite me because I want to do it again!

I. Beginning: Disclosure mentioned; No FNGs

Theme: First thought on Discipline today:  “It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” (Zig Zigler)

A head’s up that we will have teams. Divided into teams. Advised we will be competing against each other’s team.

2 running lines to warmup. During warmup, ask person you are running next to:

1, If you had unlimited time, what would you consider to be your favorite thing to do with your time?

2. If you had unlimited money, what would you do?

II. Running Warm-up: 2 line Groups 

Gradually moseying around The Ranch/school doing toy soldiers, butt kickers, high knees fast,  one leg hops, side straddles.  

Another thought: “Discipline, for the Christian, begins with the body. We have only one. It is this body that is the primary material given to us for sacrifice. We cannot give our hearts to God and keep our bodies for ourselves.” (Elisabeth Elliot)

III. 2 Circle up Warm-ups around school

First Circle in front of school: 8 merkins, 9 squats, 11 toe raises, 10 second Shoulder Stretch

Second Circle in back of school: 8 SSHs, 8 Ab Bigodas, 10 second Partner hamstring stretch

Meant to read this one to the guys: “The battle of prayer is against two things in the earthlies: wandering thoughts and lack of intimacy with God’s character as revealed in His word. Neither can be cured at once, but they can be cured by discipline.” (Oswald Chambers)

IV. Workout Segment: (Entire Soccer) Field challenges

Team Straight Up vs. Team Crawdaddy

**Reminder that if someone on your team is not finished with the exercise and you are, then join in and do it with them to help them succeed and be a teammate! Do all exercises together as a group; push your team; form is crucial; your captain will make you do it again if you do not do it correctly!

Start in the middle of the field and race to your corner

Corner #1:

7 bropees

20 Parnerkins (Partner Derkins) (each partner has their turn)

(Similar to parts of a 1 legged Hail Mary without the bench) 13 Single leg in the air dips each side; after you go down one, then give the other partner a high five, then go on the the next dip, then a high five, . . . so you want to sit next to each other but in opposite directions

8 Squerkins each

15 Deep Squat creating an X on the way up

Leap frog to the half field line

Plank position crawl (keep your back flat, abs tight) from half field line to the next corner to Corner #2.

Corner #2:

7 bropees

9 Dive bombers (“Under the hedge/fence” and clap one of your partners hand once “under the fence”)

14 Skull Crushers doing at same time with your partner/team

17 alternating lunges each side

Tunnel of Love with your entire Team (no coupon); 2 pass throughs per person

65 imaginary towel hops in unison as a team

Wheelbarrow with partner to next corner cone (switch half way); go to Corner #3 (or back to the mid-field cone if we are out of time)

Corner #3:

7 bropees

19 Canoe Crunches (like Boats to Canoe but no boat and rather row your canoe back “through the water”; doing both sides is one)

14 total Walking merkins – 2 left, then 2 right equals 4; face your partner, do not go the same way. Pass each other every time.

18 Boxing puncher planks (one PAX fist to another PAX’s fist; no pushup)

Plank (10 sec hold) to 6 inches (10 sec hold) – 2X each

Partner carry (Fireman’s carry) to half field line (Parter up on your team and whichever partner has enough in him to do it!). Then switch to . . .

Alternating Broad jumps with partner (pass the other partner on each jump) until corner cone #4

Corner #4:

7 bropees

13 Pattycake (single) Merkins

4 Burpee Squat next to your partner; do at same time

36 Squats

18 Frog crunches (on the ground in standard crunch position, legs bent at 90 degrees in air with insides to feet touching each other only; then with hands in prayer position, reach to the connection point of your feet)

Lunge and reach (10 each side pretending you are picking up a can from a shelf and putting it way up high)

Weekend at Bernie’s to middle of field; switch half way

WOWWY! There were a lot of exercises! Did we make it all the way through all 4 Corners of Body Destruction? Well, . . . almost. I would say both teams had about 2-3 exercises left. It was a close race to the end to see who would finish first. To hard to tell. Until next time, Team Crawdaddy!

V. Mosey back to COT

I encouraged the PAX to focus on being disciplined in all aspects of life, especially their time with God.

“God does not discipline us to subdue us, but to condition us for a life of usefulness and blessedness.” (Billy Graham)


Whetstone – consider getting involved; see Rebel (newsletter) if you have questions about it


Prayer requests.

Sending out into Thursday’s work day and special prayers for the children starting school and for dad’s to be encouraging to their kids for the year.

Thanks for the opportunity, Backdraft! Aye!

TClap |

One thought on “4 Corners of Body Destruction

  1. Short Sale - The Fort says:

    Thanks for the shout out Straight Up. It was definitely imaginative. If it is possible to have fun AND feel like you might spill merlot, then I had fun. It doesn’t get easier, but you do get stronger.
    Iron Sharpens iron
    Short Sale

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