- QIC: Harry Carry
- When: 11/30/2018
- Pax: Harry Carry, Kielbasa
- Posted In: Varsity
Two PAX were blessed with 50 degrees and a light breeze.
Start with a Mosey run in Parking lot
Side shuffles
High knees
butt kickers
Toy soldiers
To pull up bars:
Five pull ups OYO
Circle up for Warm up
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
Thang 1: Partner run / deck routine
Run forward down hill
Run backward up the hill
First PAX gets a card from the F3 workout deck (which will be the exercise)
Second PAX gets a card (which will be the count for the above exercise)
Then another short Mosey run: To a curb
Thang 2: Plank Dominoes
Plank up on the curb, PAX spaced apart
All start with left arm high
PAX #1 does 5 merkins, ends in regular plank
Continue down the line until finished
Then all right arm high and last PAX begins the 3 merkins, end in reg plank
Recovery walk to a wall
Thang 3: World’s Worst Lottery
All PAX wall sit
One PAX at a time picks a card (F3 workout deck) and does that exercise
All other PAX are still doing wall sits, waiting and critiquing
(Joker/aces would mean all PAX do 10 burpees)
Mosey run to COT area
small group, only two PAX, but we covered a lot of ground in good conversation. From the theme of the month (vulnerability), to family histories (or what we thought the history was), to the ferocity of WWII, to the Olympics, and that new Bohemian Rhapsody movie.
Honored to be part of the F3 tribe.