Something About Mary

7 Pax posted in a gloom that turned out a bit frostier than forecast.  The Senator T Thermostat proved that it wasn’t too cold for shorts, but YHC wasted little time with Disclaimer, etc so we could get moving without delay.

The Thang

COP in parking lot — SSH, Hillbilly Walker, Peter Parker, Mtn Climber, run to stop sign and back
(For the record, Offset pulled an Elvis somewhere amid this set and we picked him up on the run portion)

Mosey to the path and launch into Drillbits (all exercises OYO and cumulative, meaning the sequence is repeated adding the new exercise at each successive Drillbit)

1/6: 5 Burpees
2/6: 10 Moroccan Nightclubs
3/6: 15 Squats
4/6: 20 Merkins
5/6: 25 Jumping lunges
6/6: 30 LBCs

Mosey to the playground

10 Pull-ups OYO
10 Plank punches IC
10 Shoulder taps IC
10 Hip slappers IC
10 Pull-ups OYO
Al Gore
10 Monkey humpers

Line up along playground boundary facing the path away from the White Street

Bear crawl to path, sprint back
Sprint to path and back (rinse and repeat)

AYG back home

Mary — Low slow flutters, Slow Freddie Mercurys, Superman



Thanks to the pax for their energetic effort on a cold morning.  And their investment in the message of the season shared at points throughout the workout.

At launch I referenced my Fartsacking on two days in the past week after making HCs the evening prior.  Excuses abound but they’re all just that.  My personal disappointment in these failures contrasts with one of the most inspiring HCs ever — that of Mary through her response to the angel announcing her pending pregnancy.

In Christmas seasons past, I’ve often used my Q opportunities in 1st and 2nd F to highlight Joseph, a #HIM in all ways who mostly receives limited attention.  This year, however, I’ve found myself contemplating Mary.  Perhaps my focus on Joseph in the past reflected my usual self-centered, masculine mindset. Regardless of the reason, I’ve been concentrating on Mary more this Advent than in the past.  Joseph made exemplary choices, no doubt.  From one perspective though, he could be seen as taking the steps that he should take as a God-fearing adult man.  On the other hand, Mary was a teenager.  Plus, she was the first to be challenged with a twist in her tidy life plans.  Had Mary not HC’d to the angel, Joseph’s opportunity would never have arisen.  Impressive for anyone, and especially for a teenager.

Even beyond Mary’s initial commitment (“Let it be done to me according to your word”), Mary remained true to her mission over time.  The gospels refer to her pondering and reflecting on the developments of the Christmas story and Jesus’ upbringing.  She cultivated and reaffirmed her commitment by recognizing moments, storing them away and contemplating their significance in the fulfillment of her mission.  How often do I slow down enough in my own life to recognize the ties between life’s events and a plan God may have for me?  Could making a habit of slowing down and building in more time for reflection actually yield more experiences of Wonder, Joy, Hope and Peace during this Christmas season and beyond?

Thanks to Shady for the opportunity to Q and to the pax for helping me get back on track with my DRP.

Merry Christmas!

TClap |

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