Back to Where it Began

Well wishes to Flat Tire to heal quickly from one on one with a Mountain Bike.  Heal up quickly- you’re influence is great and we look forward to seeing you back in the Gloom.

For 2 years I had no idea there were still other AOs outside of Colosseum.  But really, since Tuesday is our busiest day, getting 11 men to one spot is miracle and noteworthy.  The original AO: The Fort is proudly and strongly led by Esso.  Glad to be back.

Cars were rolling in when I arrived at 0500.  Several familiar faces and names and a few that i knew and have met but will improve on committing your names to memory.  (Sales trick: “Good to see is better than nice to meet you”)- #Cobains to Bobber and Offset.

You should have heard the whining from The Pax, (errr.. Rebel) when I muttered that there would be some grass today during the disclaimer.  It was glorious.  We took off like a bat outta hell running around WEP.

Thought for the day: “I am not who I think I am.  I am not what You think I am.  I am who I think you think I am.”

Warm ups- Dynamic/moving; no circles and watch the Q.  

  • SSH, IW, Squat; Run
  • seal jack, Hillbilly walker, Sumo squat, 3 burpee; run
  • plank jack, MC, PP, 3 burpee; run
  • Monkey Humper, nightclubs; 3 burpee

The Thang

Mosey to bottom of Stairway to heaven.

6 light poles, rotate through groups until all have done

RD 1

  • Group 1: 5 merkins at each light, run back
  • Group 2: Flutters
  • Group 3: LBC

RD 2

  • Group 1: 5 CDD at each light, run back
  • Group 2: Lunge
  • Group 3: Squat

Mosey to Hill for Jacobs Ladder (7).  Once again proves to be great equalizer of men.  loads of huffin and puffin

  • Bottom: Donkey Kicks
  • Top: Bombjacks

6 minutes of Mary

Jail break to Shovel Flag.


We talked about the Thought for day.  What does being a leader mean?  “People will follow you, so lead wisely”  growing up we often sought titles.  Heck, some of us do now.  Team captain, shift manager, Crew Leader, director, boss…  Are you putting in the work to fulfill that title or is it a name only?  Is that what you are seeking.  Conversely, what if your title went away?  what if your title that demanded respect went away? would you still take initiative, encourage, lead others?

Be the leader that regardless of status, operates like one.  Seek to serve instead of being served.

*update 8:57am

Had a meaningful conversation with my Whetstone “stone” recently.  I was going through all of the great things and areas where I was accelerating.  Detail after detail.  Family, M, kids, Parenting successes, work and leadership successes.  We celebrated that together.


“What are your struggles?”, he said.

Boom.  There had been one area that has been in my blind spot and I have not had a grip on so we discussed and laid out a plan of correction.  The point is, Its easy to feel good about your score card/record when you’re 6-1 on the season.  I’m winning, I’m having a good season.  But its the struggle that takes real candor to address.  Special shout to my Whetstone and Shieldlocks.



TClap |

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