Ohhh Milk!

The gloom was upon us as we watched our former brothers @F3_Polaroid and @birdcage_f3 ran away out of unadulterated fear and loathing to find a safer path known as Whites Road…

A custom playlist was created for this one, along with fully laminated and Snake Pit logo’d work out stations, as per usual for a UHaul led workout.

The PAX arrived once again to the rockish crooning of Bob Seger’s Like a Rock to put us in the mood for strong, unbothered by responsibility, handsome younger versions of ourselves that probably never existed outside of our own Sad Clown younger selves, but I digress…

Warm ups were had by all while Maroon 5 played us a Wake Up Call so we could limber up for the pain stations which would be 3 in number to allow for a rotational situation…  Two groups of 3 and one group of  2 would cycle through…


  1. Standing Shoulder Press x20 while others executed Hello Dolly or Box Cutters, switch, repeat… White and Nerdy – Weird Al
  2. Kettle Bell Swings x25 while others executed Air Dramas until their legs or sphincter gave out, switch, repeat…  All Summer Long – Kidd Rock
  3. Hammer Curls x25 while others pretended to do as many Shoulder Taps as possible, switch, repeat…  Jump – Van Halen
  4. That anger management candidate Malcolm showed up again to chase PAX around while they tried peacefully to carry their bell above their head…
  5. Skull Crushers x25 while others whose sphincters had recovered did Low Slow Squats, switch, repeat…  Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen
  6. The UHaul in cadence x10 while others executed copious numbers of Plank Jacks, switch, repeat…  Down Under – Men At Work
  7. Laying Press x20 while others hammered out American Hammers until their abs twitched, switch, repeat… You Shook Me All Night Long – AC/DC
  8. Malcolm shows up again…
  9. PAX are freed to choose their next exercise and all merely move to the next station as they would have if they were not freed…  Shut Up and Drive – Rihanna which I believe I skipped to get to I Want You to Want Me – Letters to Cleo
  10. PAX collected for Laying Chest Press x25 and Sumo Deadlifts in an alternating fashion while Rodney Atkins reminded us that If You’re Going Through Hell you should just keep on going because you might get out before the Devil knows you’re there…  It didn’t work, the rinse/repeat cycle was fully engaged and no one escaped…
  11. As has become the tradition at UHaul led workouts, the PAX gathered for 5 minutes of Mary while R.E.M. drove home the point that Everybody Hurts and it doesn’t stop until 0600.

Name O Rama included a strange outburst from @hunteregnor that you should watch…

Announcements, Praises and Prayers were shared by all…


TClap |

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