Elvis has left the AO

Six PAX in total arrived. Weather: 40°, damp with patchy fog (that would be a good F3 name).
The count of six turned into five just before 0515 struck: Long Duck had to pull an Elvis and recuse himself to the local Waffle House (also a good F3 name).

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12X)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Mountain Climbers (IC 12X)
Plank stretches, up dog, down dog

Thang 1: at the Pull Up Bars:
Do X count of pull ups,
Mosey to street, do X count of squats
Curb plank for six
Rinse and repeat
We did regular pull ups, toes to bar, knees to chest, and chin ups
Long Duck rejoined us here, and apparently was three pounds lighter.

Mosey to elementary school:
Thang 2: Elf Bowling
In a parking lot: Split into two teams, one team bowls (ball is a 15lb slam ball) the exercise (which are written in chalk in the parking spot), other team bowls the count (varies 8 through 16, also written in p-spots) .
Exercises: burpees, Merkins, CCD’s
Everyone got a turn bowling, ended up doing a lot of burpees.

Thang 3: Bermuda Triangles
Bear crawl first circuit
Cone 1=4 burpees, cone 2=8 burpees, cone 3=12 burpees
Crab walk second circuit
Cone 1=4 crabby patties, cone 2=8,cone 3=12

Mosey back up to high school lot:
Thang 4: Global warming routine
Circle up, low stance position, all pax side shuffle about the circle, stop and do exercise called out:
Smurf Jacks
Imperial Walkers

Seven minutes of Mary

Fini, COT

Prayers/Praises: Great to be back home from being on the road for work; praise to our M’s that keep the home front intact.

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