Varsity Level Prison Workout

WARMUP: Sasquatch led the pax through a Broga session, under cover as promised but no less stretchy than his usual job making the pax hurt so good!

THE THANG: The AO was set up for wet, muddy pain with blocks and bricks. Mother Nature decided to throw electrically charged javelins at the Pax so we audibled to work under cover for 15 mins. Twister validated safe status for getting out in the open, then just as we put hands to the heavy things Mother Nature three another spear our way. Pax hauled gear back and the workout resumed undercover.

Here’s what we did:
Burpees X10
Bombjacks X10
Donkey kicks x10
Shoulder taps x10 IC
…rinse & repeat…again and again and again and…

COT: Thanks to the pax for enduring “the prison workout” as Twister called it. Quite appropriate since my theme for the planned weinke that never got unleashed focused on the Mental Battle. I’m very guilty of living in my head way too often, which leads to me becoming a prisoner in my own mind. staying in one spot under threat with grueling repetitive work is an even greater mental battle than the physical grind. Everyone pushed through including all the reps with inspiringly few groans…this is a tough group! and the toughness comes because of the group. I know I wouldn’t have knocked that out solo, so thanks for being there and pushing yourself and me. great work!

It being Memorial Day, we closed out with a challenge to remember someone who has passed during the drive home (vet or not). I’m grateful to have another day and grateful for those who’ve touched my life here and continue to touch me from the other side.

thanks to Bodywash. Honored to lead!

TClap |

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