sleeveless loops for Cheech

WARMUP: 1 min plank of gratitude. Each man must say one thing he’s greatful for. Go around the circle until time is up. SSH, HOLA HOOP, HOOP Hola
THE THANG: introduced necessary exercises during warmup. . Going to run around front parking lot loop and stopping at each corner to do one set of a given exercise. 4 corners with standing penguins, cha-cha merkins, jump lunges and suicide squats. Got close to 3 miles in. Also paid tribute to the five year anniversary of loosing one of our own. Sleeveless4cheech. To honor John “Cheech” Flanagan
MARY: nah
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: Flounder took us out with praises for his son Gump to return safely back from Africa.

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