Bell repeats

WARMUP: Mosey for a short lap then circle up for SSHs, Windmills, Low slow squats, Merkins, and Hillbilly Walkers.
THE THANG: I’m a big fan of simple yet difficult. So I stole some things from rucking and repurposed them.
First thing was 15 min AMRAP of the following 3 things:
15-High pulls, 15-Swings, and 15-Overhead squats.
Not going to lie, I thought we were close to time and then looked at watch and it said 7 minutes. Finished up then moved over to far parking lot.
Buy-in=4 line suicide with 5 bombjacks at each line
8 rounds of the following:
5 Burpees
8 Curls
8 Triceps
8 Mountain Climbers
8 Merkins w/bell pull thru
We got through about 5 rounds before time was running short. So finished up with run across lot for 10 bombjacks then grab the bells and head back to COT.
Finished with 10 bell overhead big boys and 10 flutters.

I definitely don’t do kettlebell workouts enough. I need to do a better job of working it into my rotation. I also need to be better prepared. I thought Uhual would bring some music but he didn’t show this morning. So the PAX made up for it in mumblechatter. I appreciate all the PAX coming out this morning and Battle-bot for the Q opportunity.

TClap |

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