Track and Field

WARMUP: At 50 yard line of NAFO football field…low slow squats, flutters, Carolina Dry Docks, Moroccan Nightclubs, Windmill
THE THANG: Mozy to goal line and 5 yard line. Pax were evenly split and faced each other in plank position starting on the sideline. Pax completed 4 plank jacks, 4 mountain climbers, 4 shoulder taps then moved 4 arm widths toward the opposite side of the field. Rinse and repeat until Pax reaches opposite sideline.
Once completed, Pax moved to the track for bear crawl 1/2 of curved portion of track followed by lunge walk remainder of curved portion. At straightaway, ran to the next curved portion for rinse and repeat of bear crawl and lunge walk. At the next straightaway, sprint to initial starting point.
Return to the field for rinse and repeat of 4s until Pax reached the opposite side of the field. Once completed, we started the rinse and repeat of the track lap but modified to full run after initial bear crawl/lunge due to time considerations.
After the lap, Pax moved to the goal line for run to the 50 yard line for 50 LBCs then back to goal line for 5 LBCs. Rinse and repeat descending distances for 40/4 SSH, 30/3 CDD, 20/2 windmill merkins, 10/1 burpees.
Back to COT.
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming CSAUPs + patch for completing the trifecta.
COT: Prayers for families, travel, marriages, heart health

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