Battle of Midway

June 4, 5, 6, and 7 in 1942 was the battle of Midway.
Started with a mosey run to parking spot #19 and did: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan N/C.

Then ran to spot #42 and did Low slow squats, arm circles, perter parkers
Talked about Pearl Harbor and how the IJN missed the carriers and they missed the cryptography offices.

Ran to the pull up bars, pax placed a cindy near the pull up bar and then did: 3 pull ups, 4 toes to bar, 5 manmakers. Plank for the six. Repeat. Plank for the six, repeat.

Talked about how the IJN code was partially broken by the US and knew that Midway island was the ‘bait’ to lure the USN carriers to fight and get sunk by the IJN.

Run relays: run to cone #1 (200 feet away) and do 20 bobby hurleys. Run back to start line. Run to cone #2 (400 feet away) and do 20 bobbies. Run back to start line. Run to cone #3 (600 feet away) and do 20 bobbies.
Noted in chalk was: Cone 1 = Enterprise, cone 2 = Hornet, cone 3 = Yorktown. These are the three USN carriers.

Pass the ammo: Pax curb plank, pass a cindy down the line, do three curb merkins, pass the block back, rinse repeat.

Noted how the IJN was stunned that the Yorktown was still afloat; they truly thought it was sunk a few weeks earlier at the battle of Coral Sea. But the Yorktown was patched up at Pearl (a miracle of manpower and materials) and made its way to Midway.

Blocks: Curls, OH press, KB swings, Squats.

Noted how a group of USN dive bombers (from the Enterprise) were searching for the IJN Carriers and were extremely low on fuel. Their leader, McClusky, had a choice: Return to the Enterprise for fuel and try again, or continue with the grid search pattern…McClusky does neither and on gut feel heads Northwest and finds three IJN carriers. Then, another miracle, a dive bomber wing from the Yorktown show up at the nearly the exact same spot a few minutes later. Result: Within three minutes three IJN carriers were on fire and badly hit. They sunk.

Mentioned how the fourth IJN carrier decided to steam ahead right into the USN fleet with the hubris to believe they could take them out themselves. This carrier was hit and sunk. Mentioned that USN carrier Yorktown got badly hit and sunk on June 7th. US lost 1 carrier, IJN lost four.

Ran to COT, did burpee quiz: Name the USN carriers. (correctly answered and subtraction of 3 burpees), Name the USN carrier sunk (correctly answered Yorktown and subtraction of 3 burpees). Pax still had to do 6 burpees.


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