The Puertorican Nightmare

WARMUP: Pre Run/Walk for some, then disclaimer given with shared route and counted 15 HIMs
THE THANG: The Route roughly +3.5 miles:
Founders to Munn Rd, Left on Munn, Left on Harris St, gingerly cross over Hwy 21, Left on Jackson, and Left on Hwy 160 towards COT. Some ran trails, some did not, some ran in pairs and some did not. All Pax accounted for at the end.
MARY: She was absent yet again!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 4th Convergence, July 4th Bethel Men’s Shelter (Venmo Donations please), 10th Year Anniversary at Slow Burn ( is on Q), 6/28 Acceleration Project, and Sign Up for Lawn Care duty at Fort Mill Care Center.
COT: Look after each other, we are the family we choose to be.

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