2024.28 Armory

Standard warmup…

One of my favorite KB formats is the 3x3x3: 3 rounds of 3 sets of 3 exercises. But to mix it up, 2 sets from the current followed by 1 set of the previous, so A-A, then B-B-A, then C-C-B… I think this allows a little longer recover before heading into the 3rd set which helps you to push harder. I’m going to tell myself that, cause I am still in pain two days later.

Set A:
Clean into a 1 arm thruster x10 (5 EA)
Front raise x10
Single-leg dead lift x10 (5 EL)

Set B:
Bent row x10EA
Tricep Extension x10
Squat x20

Set C:
One-arm swings x10EA
Overhead Press x10EA
Racked split squat x10 each side

Between rounds cooldown lap ending in a 20yd bear crawl to spike the heart rate to get ready for the next round.

This was a tough one. I’m pretty sure Band Camp thought I was making it all up, cause I don’t have to put Sharpie on my forearm… Welcome FNG Splash Pad! Hopefully there was enough fun in there to offset the splashing / dry heaving…

TClap |

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