Killer B’s plus

WARMUP: IC exercises and stretches
THE THANG: Killer B’s on the football field —
End zone:
5 burpees –> Bear Crawl 10 yards to 10 yard line
10 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 Bomb jacks —> Broad jump 10 yards to 20 yard line
20 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s —> Bear crawl 10 yards to 30 yard mark
30 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s / 20 Big Boy Sit Ups —> Bear crawl 30 yards back to Endzone
All run a lap, repeat
Run 2 laps then we all ran to the end of the bleachers and followed up and down the stairs to the other end.
MARY: stretching for the last couple mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sweaty Barry Thursday, Jaegar upcoming, tortoise and the hare upcoming, stuff the bus upcoming- sign ups open
COT: prayers for the Shook family, prayers for the FMHS 10th grader’s family, prayers for marriages, prayers for kids back to school soon

TClap |

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