YHC had the privilege to spend 45 minutes getting better with 11 HIM at Slow Burn. Here’s what we did:

Warm Up
– 10 LSS (IC)
– 10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
– 10 Plank Jacks (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)
– 10 SSH (IC)

The Thang

Serpentine the parking lot to review the exercises and course

Overhead Press

Big Boy Sit-Ups
Up Downs
Ranger Merkins
Nolan Ryans

Run down to F45 and repeat
– Round One – 10 Reps
– Round Two – 15 Reps
– Round Three – 20 Reps
– Round Four – 10 Reps
– Round Five – 5 Reps
Total mileage: 1.73

The average age today was 48 with Hash Brown being the youngest at 26 and Twister/Short Sale being the War Daddies at 60. Today was a great example of the gift we have in F3. Many men live an isolated life of loneliness lacking friends and connections. They have lost track of school or service buddies years ago and Covid decimated their work and convenience relationships. What they are left with is time and no one to spend it with. That’s why F3 matters. We have true friendships that add value to our lives. We have a brotherhood of men that are older, younger, richer, and poorer. They don’t always look like you, vote like you, attend your church, or pull for your favorite team. And you know what, we are all better because of it. That’s why we have to share what was first given to us. EH that guy down the street. I promise he will appreciate the request as soon as he realizes you have what he needs. Be that guy for the guy that needs what you have.

Italian Job

TClap |

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