Low Mileage

WARMUP: Jog the perimeter of the big lot with karaoke up and down a few rows (no KBs).
THE THANG: Back in the small lot for some Partner work:
P1: Overhead Press until P2 completes his work
P2: 10 Man Makers
P1: Turkish Get Ups (I received correction here which was greatly appreciated)
P2. 20 KB Situps
Carry your KB at the postion of 1/2 way up a bicep curl over to the circle by the football stadium entrance.
Overhead carry the KB up to the top of the hill.
Bear Crawl down
Nur back up
Overhead carry the KB down back to the bottom.
Back to the big parking lot:
P1: Run up and back a row while…
P2: Bent over rows with both KBs

P1: 10 Burpees
P2: Upright Rows
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes (Hi Bandcamp)
COT: For Sure

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