21s on the 21st

WARMUP: Kinda chilly out so we needed it. Quick loop to the north side of the strip mall right in front of F45 to show them outside is better
10-20 of the following
– Windmills
– Hillbilly walkers
– Moroccan night club
– STRAWBERRY pickers
Back to the parking lot near COT. Borrowed an old workout from The Swamp / Quagmire days: The ladder. 14-15 parking spots, an exercise written on each one. Do the exercise, then take a loop around the lot. Move to the next spot, next exercise. Exercises are (21 reps of everything unless otherwise noted):
1. 5 burpess
2. Merkins
3. LBCs
4. Squats
5. Calf raise
6. Mtn climbers, 2ct
7. CDD
8. Hammer time! (American Hammers, 2 ct)
9. Lunges, 2ct
10. Imperial walker, 2ct
11. Plank jacks
12. Flutters, 2ct
13. Dips
14. Monkey humpers
15. 5 burpees
Repeat until COT
Each PAX got through one complete set and at least halfway through a second. A few completed two sets.
GREAT mumblechatter! Rocket launches, Cuban food, Irish pubs, pollen, Swamp/Quagmire days, Kotters, retirement communities, STD breakouts in them (see Villages in FL), and on. We covered a LOT!!
MARY: My late Mom’s name. Miss you mom!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We did a LOT of good in the D2D fundraising!! Alot going on. Read your newsletter and get involved!!
I mentioned how my mom recently passing has put me in a big funk, like I am in PTSD mode, but just posting and being out with the PAX has helped my mental state immensely, and even more the PAX who have reached out to me. As Slapshot said at Minnow Pond, it can be a huge uplift to others. Twister mentioned about the effects that F3 can have. We do alot of good out in the community, but being out and about with the PAX is like a cure-all tonic. He EH’s guys as often as he can because this F3 tonic is what alot of us guys need, whether we know it, or want to admit it, or not. I really loved that analogy! F3 means alot of different things to each of us, but it is still a great thing for all of us, helps lift us up in various ways, but we need to be out there with the PAX regularly to get our regular dose of that tonic to make our lives a little better. Cobra Kai mentioned he recently had coffee with a Kotter, someone who was a hard charger, did alot when he was posting, not afraid of the hard workouts. He is carrying some burdens and is suffering, the mental side of things. Goes to show that even the toughest facade can be a cover up for what is really inside. The coffee meeting seemed to be a good thing for him. Cobra Kai gave him some of that tonic, whether he knew it or not. So I implore you to keep EHing, keep giving it away. Don’t ever stop. You just may be the one person that helps someone through their rough patches or worse. Be the tonic!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
Blessings and SYITG,

TClap |

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