The Moderate Colosseum

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 03/28/17
  • Pax: Ginsu, Sugarbug, Senator Tressel, CSPAN, FNG Lutefisk, Dark Helmet, FNG Bubble Boy, Orwell, Bonsai, Trucker, Shady, SnapHook, Frat Boy, Dixie Chicken
  • Posted In: The Colosseum

Several weeks ago, I got this message from the Colosseum Site Q, Seacrest: “Hey Max, would you be up for Qing the Colosseum 3/28?” I thought to myself for about 2 seconds about all the reasons I may not be able to Q as hard of a workout as I’d like to and the list of excuses went something like this:

1. This is the first regular bootcamp I’ll have Q’d much less attended in quite a long time.
2. My legs will still be shot from the P200
3. I usually ruck on Tuesday’s so now I’ll fall behind on my ruck workouts
4. I just like complaining

I almost sounded like some of the sad clowns we refer to when trying to EH them into their first post…I’m not in shape enough, I don’t like the rain, it’s too early, etc. Man I sounded like a hypocrite.

So once my brief moment of thought passed (which anyone that knows me can validate that I don’t spend too much time in thought), I said with great excitement, “Sure, I’ll Q but it’ll be P200 runner friendly.”…like I even know what that means. To which Seacrest replied, “Sounds great, your call.” Ahh, just like any leader would do, give your pupil the opportunity and let them go.

I’m not gonna lie, Monday morning rolled around and I really thought long and hard about learning 45mins of yoga stretching cause these legs weren’t ready for 45mins of a Maximus bootcamp. As the day wore on, they got better and once I built the Wienke, I felt good about Tuesday at 0515. So now that the psyching myself up portion of the post was over, I can get on to what matters.

The rain tried but failed to keep 13 of us from posting at The Colosseum on this nice Tuesday morning. With the recognition of “1” FNG (welcome Lutefisk) and a spoken disclaimer, we moseyed to the back bus lot of the schools for a nice, extended warm up consisting of:

Mountain Climbers
Peter Parkers
Honey Mooners
Right as we finished what I thought was a great warm up, our final 2 PAX showed up, welcome Dark Helmet and second FNG, Bubble Boy. Helmet has always thought that real men don’t need warm ups so I can’t say much there.

Followed that with some Clock Merkins: 1-6, 1-6
Then with a clock set of Carolina Dry Docks: 1-6, 1-6

Mosey to the end line of the parking lot and partner up:
Partner 1: Run to the car and back
Partner 2: Super man till 1 gets back and Flap Jack

Partner 1: Bear Crawl 15yds then reverse it back
Partner 2: American Hammers then Flap Jack

Partner 1: Crab Walk 15yds then reverse it back
Partner 2: Freddy Mercury then Flap Jack

Mosey to the front drive lane near our parking lot
15LBC’s at each light pole then run to the next all the way to the end
Mosey to the GHMS benches for a few sets of dips & derkins (shout out to Bonsai for keeping the Ruck on)
Wall sits and some more stretching

Mosey back to the lot for some American Hammers

Announcements: 4/1 Easter Egg Hunt for the Paradise Community at Steele Creek Park (not at WEP), Brew Ruck this Saturday 4/1-Fill the rucks with canned foods rather than a plate.

Prayer Requests: Families & Marriages, Trucker’s Aunt and her recovery, Maximus’ coworker and his recovery, Bonsai’s neighbors son and heart transplant but pray that he is putting his faith in God.

Until Next Time.

TClap |

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