Geezer Butler

Big crowd this morning at Block Party. 24 men started their day off right, some ran, some rucked, and some stuck around and the rest followed the old geezer.
First stop, the bank on the corner, actually it is a pharmacy now. Circled up for exercises in cadence (SSHs, MNCs, IWs, WMs). Next, we selected a partner. Bear crawl to the middle of the parking lot, 10 partner merkins, bear crawl back to the curb, rinse and repeat 3 times.
Next, we ran down to the town hall offices, 3 rounds of Mike Tysons (set of 10). Back on the road, up to the top of the hill on Williamson St. 3 rounds of Partner pushes between the light poles. I was corrected, one of the poles was actually a flag pole (old man eyes). Next, hold plank, down to elbow, six inches. Back down the hill, return to the top of the parking lot. Brisk mosey to the parking lot across from COT with the brick wall. Dora 1-2-3, 200 Carolina Dry Docks, 300 Squats, 400 LBCs. Partner 1 performed the exercises while Partner 2 ran to the wall and did 3 muscle-ups.
Back to COT

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