Pain Train: Mike Tyson / Burpee Hill Edition

Warm Up:

– Imperial Walkers
– Moroccan Night Clubs
– Overhead Claps
– Raise the Roof

The Thing:

1. First Round:
– Mosey to the front of the school
– 5 Burpees
– 15 Carolina Dry Docks (CDD)
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons

– Mosey back to the start, circling around

1. Second Round:
– Rinse and repeat the first round

1. Third Round:
– 5 Burpees
– 15 CDD
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons
– 5 Kraken Burpees

– NUR to the top of the hill, then mosey back to the start, circling around

1. Fourth Round:
– 5 Burpees
– 15 CDD
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons
– 5 Kraken Burpees

– Basketball side shuffle to the top of the hill
– Walk to the light post, then Lt. Dan to the next light post

– Burpee broad jump from one light post to the light post lighting up the practice field

– Slosey back to COT


– On your 6, in cadence:
– 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
– 10 Worst Worst LBCs


– The Sweaty Barry
– Jaeger
– Tortoise and the Hare
– Sign-ups for the Dam to Dam are about 60 days away

Prayers & Praises:

– Mental health
– Physical health and illness
– New opportunities
– Travel
– Soon-to-be new member of a family and the M carrying that child

TClap |

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