Prarie Doggin at Training Ground

THE THANG: Three mile loop: 160 to Spratt, right at the gas station, right onto Harris St, down the hill to Harris St Park, right onto the trail that gets to WEP through the woods, to the WEP amphitheater, follow path around WEP, right onto 160, left onto Clebourne St, follow it to Main St, right onto Main St, back to COT.

Stops every 10 minutes for 10 reps of each:
Ruck swings
Ruck upright rows
Ruck squats
Ruck curls
Ruck overhead presses
Those without rucks who carried sandbags did 10 bag tosses and 10 plank bag pull throughs

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter and get involved
COT: P&P lifted up
Thanks for the opportunity to lead

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