The Toddler Carry

WARMUP: windmill, imperial walkers, low slow squats, SSH
THE THANG: 11s with squats and overhead press. 3(ish) “catch me if you can” laps around the parking lot with 3 Burpees for the chaser
MARY: 1 minute push up challenge (try to do one pushup over the period of one minute in continuous motion)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: tortoise and the hare this weekend, Golf fundraiser in October

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The Toddler Carry

WARMUP: windmill, imperial walkers, low slow squats, SSH
THE THANG: 11s with squats and overhead press. 3(ish) “catch me if you can” laps around the parking lot with 3 Burpees for the chaser
MARY: 1 minute push up challenge (try to do one pushup over the period of one minute in continuous motion)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: tortoise and the hare this weekend, Golf fundraiser in October

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Awkward Weight At The SInk

WARMUP: Jog around the parking lot followed by a few exercises.
1min of each of the following:
Ground to overhead
Over the shoulder toss

SLOW asymmetrical farmers carry. With sand bag in one hand, we’ll walk slowly, together, around the parking lot loop switching hands as needed.

Partner up for a round of “catch me if you can” around the large drop-off loop:
Partner 1: Take both sand bags and walk/shuffle until Partner 2 catches you.
Partner 2: 3 burpees then catch Partner 1
Alternate until you complete the loop.

Perfect Merkins (slick): I followed the correction of the PAX and completed this in an 8ct cadence. We did 20…lovely.

3-Tier Suicides: Roughly 40yds and back, 60yds and back then 75yds and back. Every time you return, complete 10 Bent Over Rows

2-Tier Suicides: Like above, this time only 60yds and 75yds. Complete (10) 4ct Flutters upon your return each time.

Sand Bag carry (standard carry position) around the large loop with stops at the corners for:
1st Corner: 10 Dead Lifts
2nd Corner: 10 Hammer Curl into Overhead Press
3rd Corner: 15 Squats
4th Corner: Chest Press


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Kitchen Sink Beatdown-last week

WARMUP: Stretching and slow warmup
THE THANG: It was a simple Dora venue with 1 pax running the loop with sandbag while your partner did the exercise. , , , , , and started with some stretching and warm up followed by far too many merkins, bbs, curls, flutter press, overhead press, squats and LBCs. Didn’t know we could count so high.
MARY: Cool down was LBCs, Freddy Mercury’s and some pax led Mary’s. Thank you to all the guys who showed up and encouraged me.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Pray for families and marriages.

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Taking our Lumps

We had seven for a somewhat comfortable beatdown at the Sink this morning. Here’s what we did:

– Standing stretches (left, right, center)
– 10 Windmills (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
Mosey to front of school

– 10 Bent Over Rows (IC)
– 10 Overhead Press (IC)
– 10 American Hammers (IC)
– 10 Squats (IC)
– 10 Thrusters (IC)
Mosey the short loop

– 10 Lunges (each leg)
– 10 Upright Row
– 10 Manmakers
– 10 Plank Pulls (each side)
– 10 Sit-ups
Mosey the long loop

– 10 Curls
– 10 Ranger Merkins (bag on back)
– 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps (bag on back)
– 10 Press Ups
Long Mosey to COT

– Sitting stretches (left out, right out, butterfly)
– 10 Ab Mat Sit-ups

As men, we take our LUMPS. Work piles up. The honey-do list grows. Sometimes it can be daunting. But, we train for this. We don’t BOAST about how we’re handling the CRAP life throws at us. Instead, we face the challenges head-on with our heads high. We keep going, showing resilience and grit, even when things aren’t going our way. You may not think people notice what you do, but we do. We see the work you are doing to get better and your effort will make you stronger – ready for the next thing life hurls at you. Keep going, brother. You’re built for this.

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Catch Me If You Can plus some

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Hillbilly Walkers
All in cadence for a 10 count

Part 1
Revamped Catch Me If You Can

Partner up, one person walks with sandbag, the other runs ahead around the loop and catch back up to partner.
Both do 5 squats with the person carrying the sandbag still holding the sandbag.
Swap positions and repeat until the sandbag has covered 3 laps.

Repeat with pushups as the exercise.

The loop was initially the larger parking lot loop, but modified to the smaller one.

Part 2
Still partnering up

50 over head pressed with the sandbag as a team.
One person presses while the other does 3 burpees, then swap until reps are done.

Repeat but changing exercise to squats, then rows still keeping burpees as the counter.

MARY: last 3 min

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger, Suplex is bringing Broga back but on Saturdays, Tortoise and Hare


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Sandbag shenanigans


Windmills, strawberry pickers, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, low and slow squats, Moroccan nightclubs, cyclops, plank and some stretching then 5 merkins

Bring bags to outdoor amphitheater

Three rounds- ladder workout

5 man makers
Up a level
5 burpees – back down to first level
Up a level
5 HR merkins- back down to first level
Up a level
5 diamond merkins

MODE- Bear crawl up hill

5 Squats with bag
Up a level
5 split squats
Up a level
5 single leg squats
Up a level

MODE- Reverse crawl

Flutter press 4ct
American hammers 4ct
LBCs 4ct
Big boys

MODE- Third round- lunge walk

Over to loop
Partner 1 bag on bag plank
Partner 2 runs to end of lot and back, 2 rounds.

Bag toss for last minute to burn it out!
MARY: see round 3 :arrow_up:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter, pints n padres summer cookout 7/23
COT: yes

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Is your Deck in Order?

All in cadence
– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Imperial walker
– Side straddle hop
Pick up bag and mosey to outside theatre
– Partner exercise: bags do not touch the ground for the duration
– Partner 1 takes bag up to second level and completes 20 upright rows while partner 2 side lunges until the partner gets back. Once partner 1 returns, switch
– Once completed, partner 1 takes bag up to level 4 and completes 30 curls while partner 2 does calf raises, once partner 1 returns, switch
– Mosey to back parking lot with bag on shoulders
Card game:
Run to other side, pick up a card. Nur back to start and complete the below exercises.

Numbers 1-10, do the number of reps per card:
Hearts – Squats with bag on shoulders
Clubs – Bent over rows
Diamonds – Overhead press
Spades – Over the shoulder bag toss
A – 5 Man-Makers
K – 10 Lunge squats w/bag on shoulders, single count
Q – 15 Bomb jacks
J – 20 Flutter w/press
Joker – 5 Kraken Man-Makers. Do these yourself or hand to anyone of your choice

At end, count up cards and call them out. Complete overhead presses in the amount of cards you gathered
MARY: No need
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4th of July convergence
COT: Boomer and his family, those still sick and suffering from addictions

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Throwing Bags Around

WARMUP: Walked our sandbags from COT to the starting point at one end of the parking lot at the front of the school. Moseyed around the parking lot back to the starting point without bags. PAX then stood in front of their bags for the following: 10xSSHinCadence, 1 ManMaker, 10xCPinCadence, 2 ManMakers, 10xHWinCadence, 3 ManMakers, 10xLSSinCadence, 4 ManMakers, 10xMNCinCadence, 5 ManMakers. We were warm.

THE THANG: We would have been on the field in front of the school, but it was being watered when I arrived. So, designated a starting line, then set-up 4 cones about 15 yards apart in the parking lot.

All partner work

1st Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the last cone Partner#1 starts the trip with LT Dans while Partner#2 racks the bag and jogs to the last cone and then back to meet his partner. When the band is back together each PAX completes 5 ManMakers. Switch and continue the journey until you reach the last cone.

2nd Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the next cone Partner#1 Front Press throws his bag while Partner#2 walks along side him Rifle Carrying their bag. When the team reaches the cone each PAX performs 25 BentOverRows & 20 Curls. Then switch and head to the next cone. Continue in this manner until your team reaches the last cone.

3rd Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the next cone Partner#1 Backwards Overhead throws his bag while Partner#2 walks along side him Rifle Carrying their bag. When the team reaches the cone each PAX performs 25 Chest Presses with bag while fluttering & 20 Alt. Plyo Merkins. Then switch and head to the next cone. Continue in this manner until your team reaches the last cone.

4th Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the last cone Partner#1 starts the trip with 2 Rotating Side Throws ( 1 from each side ) while Partner#2 completes 2 Burpees. Partner#2 jogs to the bag and then performs his 2 throws while Partner#1 completes 2 Burpees. Keep switching until you reach the last cone.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel serve on July 4th, Convergence on July 4th, CSAUP Summer Trifecta
COT: Everyone shared a praise and a prayer. Show to Know!

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Juneteenth: there is 125lb bag somewhere

Yea, these are important

Tour the campus with stops along the way:
Deadlift to Clean & Squat
Plank Pull Through
Over the Shouler
Bulgarian Split Squat
Loaded Carry with NOT 125lb bags

First round we did 12 and discussed duodecimal counting
Second round we did 7 and talked about the 19th of June

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