The Armory = Full Metal

  • When: 09/15/14
  • Pax: Boy Band, Cake Boss, Change Order, Chicken Hawk, Deacon, Green Wave, Senator, Stang, Tatanka, Gears, Catfish, & Beacon.
  • Posted In: The Armory

I was called from the bullpen so Pebbles could maintain the Q schedule at Tomahawk.

So a dozen men unhitched themselves from the fartsack and attempted to encourage YHC while he was struggling after a prior day of Black Diamond version #3.

The Thang:

SSH x25

IW x20

Squats x20

Moroccan Night Club x20

Long plank series with stretching

Windmills x20

Calf raises x20

Mountain Climbers x20

About this time I got the first verse of “Are we going to use kettle bells today”

Long back stretching and discussion using superman and paratrooper

Mosey to half wall

Set #1 Derkins, Inclinerkins, & Dips – all 20 reps

Set #2 Step Left, Step Right, & Double – all 20 reps

Set #3 Repeat of set #1 & 2

About this time I got the second verse of “Are we going to use kettle bells today”

Mosey to stairs

Bear crawl up and down x3 reps “real crowd pleaser” #redpill #FEBA

About this time I got the third verse of “Are we going to use kettle bells today”

Mosey to our spot to do our kettle bell portion (everything done with bell)

Set#1 Around your calves, waist & halos

Set#2 Curl left, Curl Right, & Tri

Set #3 Full Situp, LBC, & Hello Dolly

Set #4 One handed Plank with rotation and press, either arm, and 10 push ups

Set#5 Squats, calf raises, & forward press

Set # 6 Lawn mower start, top shelf press, & shoulder press

Set #7 Merkin on the bell, either hand, & chest pass

Rinse and repeat until 0600

Nobody asked for extra credit


Fun morning, great chatter, good discussion, and fun.

Read your newsletter.

Always an honor to Q,

Appreciate the enthusiasm,

CSPAN – over & out






TClap |

Glad F3 was calling me to crawl out of the fartsack and Q

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 09/08/14
  • Pax: Change Order, Who dat, Decible, McGrufe, Backdraft, Chickenwing, Cake Boss, Opie, Sharknato, Gridlock, Beacon, Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory

Grateful that I had a reason to get out of the fartsack this morning, had the itch to fartsack, but knew that if I slept and not Q, I wouldn’t hear the end of it (right CSPAN?). As I spoke before we hit the pavement with some legs workouts to recover from BRR (funny no PAX who did the BRR showed up), F3 has become a major influence in the YHC life and has done changes that your YHC would not have expected. Still a long way to go though, but grateful for F3.


The Thang:

Run a lap around FH parking lot

20x SSH

20x IW

10x Merkins

10x MC

1 minute on, 10 seconds off of:

KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Skull Crushers, Curls, & Clean – Press

Walk lunges switching arms with KB to funeral home

Run with KB to opposite corner of parking lot

10 burpees OYO (can’t have a workout without a burpee)

10 Squats w/KB

Run to benches in front of FH with KB

20 dips, 20 LBC w/KB; rinse/repeat 3xs

run to FH wall

Wall sits with KB, 10 squats; rinse/repeat 3xs

Run lap around FH parking lot

Repeat 1 minute on, 10 seconds off rotation

Walk lunges switching arms with KB to funeral home and back

COT, prayers to BRR PAX, injured, sharknato’s wife, Trucker’s wife, and all other unspoken prayers. We missed some of the regulars (hint hint CSPAN and Boy Band), lots of chatter regarding the football weekend and who showed up to play and who didn’t. Glad I rolled out of bed, always a blast at the Armory!

Yours truly, Trucker

TClap |

Labor Day Murph – NAFO USMC JROTC

  • When: 09/01/2014
  • Pax: 1-Niner, Aqua Man, Atari, Audit, Beacon, Bogie, Burgundy, Cable Guy, Cash, Chicken Hawk, Chicken Wing, Cobra Kai, Deacon, Decibel, Freebird, Fusion, General, Iron Horse, Italian Job, Jeckle, Maximus, MacGyver, Miagi, Pebbles, Red Banjo, Trucker, WWL, Cobra Kai 2.0.
  • Posted In: Flight Plan, The Armory, The Snake Pit

Perfect day for a double down was said “loud & clear” by 29 hard chargers on Labor Day 2014. #redpill

0515 gather for your normal Monday F3 workouts across Fort Mill.

0630 gathering around the shovel flags at NAFO HS

  • group “Pledge of Allegiance” – lead by Cable Guy

0635 warmups

0640 “Murph” the workout coined by US Navy Seal officer Michael Patrick Murphy;

  • One-mile run followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 squats, followed by another mile.

WHY: The Murph workout honors Michael Patrick Murphy (May 7, 1976 – June 28, 2005) a US Navy SEAL officer who was awarded the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. He was also the first member of the U.S. Navy to receive the award since the Vietnam War. His other posthumous awards include the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.

Murphy become a United States Navy SEAL in July 2002, after participating in several War on Terrorism missions, he was killed on June 28, 2005, after his team was compromised and surrounded by Taliban forces near Asadabad, Afghanistan during Operation Red Wings, a counter-insurgent mission in Kunar province, Afghanistan, involving four members of the US Navy SEALs. Murphy and two other SEALs, were killed in the fighting, in addition to 16 American Special Operations Forces soldiers.

0705 Extra credit – as we finished, we would pickup a runner, and make an additional track lap until the group finishes, most got a + 2 laps.

0730 COT, Pray & Praise, and Ball of Man


Welcome to Atari and Miagi

3 high school age warriors, none of which were from NAFO, all 3 from FMHS, one was a JROTC

Fast group blazed through this Murph – BRR is good training

Double down groups were higher than expected – Armory, Flightplan and Indian Land

Pebbles was the only 40 pound vest “runway” model – props and T-claps

High quality mumble chatter, and very encouraging group battled through a very humid day

Some skinny kid with no beaning and no sweat pants showed up and burned the track up – Red Banjo is even faster on flat track

Great effort by all, always an honor to lead F3, especially on a day when we honor a hero. Until we #CSAUP again,

Over & Out,



TClap |

Like your hair is on fire!

  • QIC: Package
  • When: 9-1-2014
  • Pax: McGruff, CSPAN, Decibel, Bogey, Trucker, Change Order, Gridlock, Backdraft, Boy Band, Chicken Hawk, Cobra Kai (missing 1 - sorry!)
  • Posted In: The Armory

A baker’s dozen sweat it out at the Armory for the long awaited return of PKG on Q. I had to beg borrow and steal gear to make this as horrible as possible. T-Claps to Cobra Kai for the heavy metal.


The Thang

Pain stations – BYOKB  1:30 per

Incline Merkins

Flat Press


Goblet Squats

Dead Lifts (2-45’s and O-Bar) Ouch!

Tri Press

Clean & Press

Figure 8’s

Kettle Bell Kicks

Jump Rope 2X

Box Jumps

Hair Burners with a 35# Plate



This actually turned out worse that I dreamed it would. There was constant mumble chatter with regard to the length of the jump ropes to the parking lines stopping hair burning progress. I’d like to thank Greenwave for the hair burner idea, definitely a crowd pleaser. It’s been over a year since we launched the Armory, and the fitness level of the PAX is quite impressive. I look forward to getting back out their on a regular basis once this debacle known as BRR is behind me.


TClap |

BB: Reject Passivity

  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 8/25/14
  • Pax: Chicken Hawk, Boy Band, Bogey, Tatonka, McGruff, Decibel, Who Dat, Change Order, Green Wave, Grid Lock, Backdraft, Sharknado, Opie
  • Posted In: The Armory

Jog one lap around the parking lot.

COP: Side Straddle Hops(20x), Imperial Walkers 20x), Merkins (20x), Squats (20x).

Partner drills and pain stations. The Pax ran to each station with a kettle bell. 

Partner Drill 1: One partner does LBCs while the other does the following.
– Rows (10x each side)
– Tricept extensions (10x)
– Curls (10x each side)
– Squats (10x)

COP: Windmills (15x)

Wind sprints then repeat Partner Drill 1. 

Drill 2: One partner does Flutters while the other does.
– Oblique bends (10x each side)
– Figure eights (10x each way)
– Kettle Bell Swings (10x)
– Russian Twist (10x)

COP: Spiderman push ups (10x)

Wind sprints.

AB Lab: Hello Dollies (15x), Heels to Heaven (15x), Rosaletteas (15x), Oblique Ups (15x)

Moleskin: We need to reject passivity as Jesus did. Robyn Davidson mentions this as she states that “The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. The process is its own reward.” It is our duty to take action when God calls.

TClap |

The Armory – Run Forest Run!!!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 08/18/14
  • Pax: McGruff,Gridlock,Decibel,FNG - Oppie,Deacon,Catfish ??, Chg Mgmt ??, Senator Tressel,FNG - Sharknado,Back draft,Green Wave,Chicken Hawk,Cable Guy,Cake Boss,Beacon,Boy Band
  • Posted In: The Armory


So after a road trip to the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia) and eating total garbage for 4 days, YHC felt the need to clean out the system and get back into F3 conditioned fitness shape.

Everyone knows “The Boss” ain’t fond of running, but he also knows the benefits it brings regardless of his distaste for the activity. So, The Armory had a little more movement today than a usual Cake Boss led beat down.

Warm Up


Lunge walk

Shuffle right/Left





Lunge Walk

Shuffle right/left


The Thang

100 reps each exercise with partner

Partner #1 Runs lap around lot

Partner #2 does reps

No stopping….recovery is for the weak. Ha Ha!





Russian Twists







Superman for 10 count

Para shoot for 10 count



16 manly men including 2 FNGs endured pain cooked up from Cake Boss!

Tastes so Good!


TClap |

09/1/14- Labor Day MURPH Challenge


f3logoII                                                                                                         usmc

Labor Day MURPH Challenge



WHO: members of NAFO USMC JROTC and F3

WHAT: the workout coined by US Navy Seal officer Michael Patrick Murphy;

  • One-mile run followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 squats, followed by another mile; done for time

WHEN: Labor Day (Monday September 1st, 2014)

WHERE: Nation’s Ford High School (1400 A O Jones Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29715)

WHY: The Murph workout honors Michael Patrick  Murphy a US  Navy SEAL officer who was killed during Operation Red Wings, a counter-insurgent mission in Afghanistan.

TClap |

08.11.2014 Nightmare @ the Armory

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 08.11.2014
  • Pax: Greenwave, McGruff, Pebbles, Senator Tressel, Grid Lock, Deackon, Catfish, Bogey, Boy Band, CSPAN, Cake Boss, FNG (Aztec), FNG (Mr. Wilson)
  • Posted In: The Armory


On a cool humid and damp morning, 14 men represented at the Armory.  Waking from a nightmare in bed to a night in the gloom. 

COP Warm up-

 – 20 SSH

– 20 Mountain Climbers

– 15 Monkey Humpers

– 15 Imperial Walkers


Round 1:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]

Round 2:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]

Round 3:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]
  • *12 Derkins (Sprint to Wall and back to COP)

LBCs while waiting for 6 after each rotation (keep track of cumulative count of LBCs)

Round 4:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]
  • *12 Derkins (@ Wall)
  • *16 Dips (@ Wall)

LBCs while waiting for 6 after each rotation (keep track of cumulative count of LBCs)

Round 5:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]
  • *12 Derkins (@ Wall)
  • *16 Dips (@ Wall)
  • *20 (10 L/R – Step Ups) [ @ Wall]

LBCs while waiting for 6 after each rotation (keep track of cumulative count of LBCs)

Round 6:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]
  • *12 Derkins (@ Wall)
  • *16 Dips (@ Wall)
  • *20 (10 L/R – Step Ups) [ @ Wall]
  • 24 (12 L/R Curls) [@COP]

LBCs while waiting for 6 after each rotation (keep track of cumulative count of LBCs)

Round 7:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]
  • *12 Derkins (@ Wall)
  • *16 Dips (@ Wall)
  • *20 (10 L/R – Step Ups) [ @ Wall]
  • 24 (12 L/R Curls) [@COP]
  • 28 (14 L/R Halos) [@COP]

LBCs while waiting for 6 after each rotation (keep track of cumulative count of LBCs)

Round 8:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]
  • *12 Derkins (@ Wall)
  • *16 Dips (@ Wall)
  • *20 (10 L/R – Step Ups) [ @ Wall]
  • 24 (12 L/R Curls) [@COP]
  • 28 (14 L/R Halos) [@COP]
  • 32 (16 L/R Plank Rows) [@COP]

LBCs while waiting for 6 after each rotation (keep track of cumulative count of LBCs)

Round 9:

  • 4 Burpees [@COP]
  • 8 (4 L/R – Pass through lunges ) [@COP]
  • *12 Derkins (@ Wall)
  • *16 Dips (@ Wall)
  • *20 (10 L/R – Step Ups) [ @ Wall]
  • 24 (12 L/R Curls) [@COP]
  • 28 (14 L/R Halos) [@COP]
  • 32 (16 L/R Plank Rows) [@COP]
  • 36 (18 Clean and Press [@COP]
  • 40 Over Head Squats with Kb [@COP]









LBCs while waiting for 6 after each rotation (keep track of cumulative count of LBCs)

Excellent work Men!

TClap |

PRE-BLAST – The Fort 2nd Annual Anniversary Invergence

Warning, Warning, Warning…..The Fort 2nd year anniversary is approaching! Don’t miss a night of fun, fellowship and faith at Rush Pavilion on the Springs Greenway. The night’s event will feature speakers Dredd, OBT, and Agony. We will begin with a social hour and pot luck dinner, and then have our program.  Tickets and other details of the event will be available in the coming weeks.

September 26th @ 5pm-11pm, Rush Pavilion on the Springs Greenway

More info to come….

TClap |

The Armory – “Don’t be affraid of the guy in shades”

  • QIC: Cake Boss via Tatonka (IR but still shows...real man!)
  • When: 07/21/14
  • Pax: Trucker, Decibel, McGruff, Greenwave, Chicken Hawk, CSPAN, Senator, Boy Band, Tatonka, Bogy
  • Posted In: The Armory

11 Iron Men came to post at The Armory for a humid filled beat down and some cheesy 80s music.

Let’s just say, Tatonka was in his element and thought every song was from 1986.


The Thang:


Sprint to wall



Side Straddle Hops

Imperial Walkers

Sprint back to COP


All 1 min exercises:

1 Swing

2 Squat

3 Shelf

4 Power to the People

5 Row

6 Curl

7 Chest Press

8 Fly

9 Sit-up

10 Russian Twist






Rinse and Repeat!



Message to the men to day was about friendships. What kind of friends do we have and what kind of friend are we?

Prov 27-17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

If we hang around bad influence than we will become a bad influence. We tell this to our kids. I think it is just as important to us men.

Hang with those that lift you up, not drag you down.


Prayers to the injured, those dealing with junk, those of us who worry about our past….live for the next hour, day and future.


TClap |