Millllllllshake Returns! The Thrill Returns! Why does it feel like March?

So you gotta love weird things that happen in the middle of a pandemic, today I had scheduled myself as Q for Milkshake, months ago.  Had no idea it would be the actual return of Milkshake after almost two months off.  I’ve missed it, don’t know about you guys.

We made our way from our temporary AO and headed down next to LPL stopping along the way for some exercises now and then.

We made observations about strange traffic lights and how tight on security certain companies are.  You know, the usual.

After we made our way back, we did some stretching and talked trash about the regular Fort Pax and their stretching form.  You know, the usual.

It was good to be with you guys again in person, and have some fellowship as we burned a few calories.

Good to have Boogie Down back after being on IR and congrats to proud poppa Wegmans!

Until next time… the Thrill is gone!

TClap |

VQ For Bowser At Milkshake!

Today the sun came up again.  The birds  were back and singing.  The world continued to turn.  And then Milkshake was back as well.

Despite the unrest this week due to the Corona Virus, F3 was on and Milkshake was no exception.  I received a text from Shady yesterday asking if I wanted to reopen Milkshake, and I said absolutely.

What I didn’t know is that this morning would be a special one.  Overnight Uhaul told me he had been coaching his 2.0 Bowser to call cadence on his own.   So I planned to let Bowser lead his first exercise, in cadence.

First time I offered, no dice.  Second, the same. Third time was the charm and after some prodding all the Pax counted cadence with Bowser until he got his footing.

Well done Bowser!  You did something that many grown men refuse to do!  I’m expecting great things from you in the future!  Keep EHing your friends and keep posting buddy.

So besides the VQ of sorts, we roamed around the peach fields (on the sidewalk) and did a few exercises and some walking and some more exercises.  We didn’t touch each other (probably always wise) or benches or whatever, just in case but we still got a decent workout in at low impact/intensity.

Thanks for coming out for an impromptu Q as Milkshake was closed until the Mike Doty race was postponed.

Keep calm and carry on.

The Thrill is gone!

TClap |

The Hindenburg Hop

Seven was the count for a cold crisp morning at Milkshake. There was some great fellowship this morning as we rucked/power walked around The Fort.

As we reached the top parking lot near Pikes, we circled up and did a little number called Pass the Dutchie. We took our rucks off and passed them around in a circle. There was an attack dog barking at us so after a few minutes, we decided to hightail it out of there and continue our our journey through The Fort.

As we reached downtown Fort Mill, we proceeded to do an Indian Plank up the hill. We lined up in a straight line in plank position and the HIM in the back of the line lunged to the front. We did a few rounds of this up the hill.

We headed down Tom Hall Street and Twister made a pit stop at Hardee’s. There were a few requests for biscuits, but Twister came back empty handed.

We started to make our way back to COT and we learned some interesting Fort Mill trivia. The Pikes building was designed to resemble the Hindenburg as the original owner was actually on the Hindenburg. I haven’t fact checked this, so I am just taking Twisters word for it. We may need to run this by Mayor Spitz to see if it checks out.

Back to COT for some praises and prayers.


TClap |

Valentine’s Day Hangover Milkshakes for Everyone

Well, after very active Valentine’s Day celebrations there were 6 HIMs in need of recovery Saturday morning.  Almost 3 miles of ground covered, all while actively obeying traffic laws to ensure we did not have another run in with local law enforcement.

TClap |