Making an IMPACT at Poopdeck

Another great morning in Lake Wylie.  I got to the Poopdeck a little early to set up some cones, and still some of the PAX are already there stretching and yapping. By 5:15 we had 10 guys ready to roll out for the bootcamp as Davinci & Shakespeare were leaving for some miles.  Gave the disclaimer and we were off.

We ran over to west parking lot (the best one of three) for COP.  A standard group of warm up exercises to loosen up.  I like using random counts to keep the PAX guessing!  We moved on to the first evolution.

Evolution 1 The Burpee Mile

I set up 3 cones around the lot.  We would run up a lane and back down the one to the right, at the turn where the cone is stop and do 10 burpees.  We did this rotation around the parking lot for 3 cones and then back around again.  Total 60 burpees and about a mile run.

Evolution 2 Merkin Mania

No running in this one. We moseyed over to another cone with a nice list on it.  This was the non stop rotation.  As I was explaining we see our favorite car… Cat Lady sighting! 5 burpees!

20 Diamond Merkins

20 Plank Jacks

20 Ranger Merkins

20 Shoulder Taps (SC)

20 Hand Release Merkins

20 Plank Jacks

20 Ranger Merkins

20 Shoulder Taps (SC)

20 Wide Arm Merkins

20 Plank Jacks

Shared some words about IMPACT. I stole the message from Qsource 2.1.

(Read it HERE )

We discussed the “Survivor <——-> Servant” scale and how my father was an unfortunate example of a survivor during his homelessness last year.  Lucky for all of us in attendance we fall further down the scale towards Servant.  But many men fall right in the middle, and that’s a sad clown.  How do we find these men and move them forward?  Proximity is required to have a strong effect on the life of a sad clown!  At one point I shared a paragraph or two from the Q source directly. No need to make it up when it’s right there for you to share with your brothers!

Evolution 3 Sprints

Back to running.  We moved to the other side of the parking lot where another 4 cones were set up.  We would sprint  to the closest cone and then back to start, second cone and back, etc until the final stop was tapping the building at the end of the lot. After a 10 count  we did it again, cutting off the final stop.  We continued working down the stops. total number of sprints around 10.  That sucked, but everyone pushed hard!

Time for a slow mosey  back to COT.  With 5 minutes to go we circled up.  We have an announcement today, someone was turning 34!  So I asked Birthday Boy Witch Hunt to call an exercise.  He picked his favorite…Crunchy Frogs.  So we did 17 double count Crunch Frogs (34 total).  A few minutes left, so around the horn for some U-Call-It ab lab.




Invergence Friday – 6th Anniversary Convergence Saturday 9/29 @ WEP

Iced-T on Q at the Deep – read your newsletter!

Praises and Prayers

Witch Hunt’s 34th Birthday and Davinci’s son Aiden’s upcoming 9th birthday


An Honor to Lead


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