Love Hurts

Maybe it was three days early, but YHC thought it would be fun to do a Valentines Day Q. It was 37 degrees and raining – love was in the air.

9 of the regular LW crew and 1 FNG (this must be the winter of the FNG) showed up to feel the love. After a full and complete disclaimer, we moseyed to the back of the school.


A bunch of the normal stuff. Merkins, low slow squats, produce pickers, downward dog. Probably some others.

The Thang


Cupid Shuffle

YHC had his speaker in tow so all the PAX could have a romantic Valentines dance. First, the song Cupid Shuffle was played. When “down” was said we did a merkin. “Kick” = donkey kick. “Left/right” = side plank to the left/right. Mountain climbers were done in the intervals.


Get Lucky

Next on the Valentines playlist was the Daft Punk song Get Lucky. Because, let’s face it, we are all hoping to get lucky on V-Day. “Up” = bombjack, “get lucky” = burpee. Crab cakes to the rhythm during the rest of the song. Lots of mumble chatter by this point. Repeatedly going from a bombjack directly into a burpee is a great crowd pleaser.


Heartbreak 1,2,3

Sometimes playing the game of love you get your heart broken. This routine is like Doras, but with a heartbreaking hill to run. And they don’t come more heartbreaking than the Green Monsta. We moseyed to the Monsta and PAX partnered up and as a team completed: 100 diamond merkins (diamonds are forever), 200 boxcutters (boxes of chocolate), and 300 monkey humpers (the ideal end to Valentines Day). Originally YHC had thoughts of playing 80s love ballads during this segment, but I decided against it and went for 90s rock instead. Who knew Two Ferns was such a Pearl Jam fan?



The final segment of the morning. Sometimes in a relationship you need a tie-breaker, and a little rock-scissors-paper is as good a way as any. In pairs, PAX played RSP. First round: winner does 1 merkin, loser does 1 burpee. Second round: winner does 2 merkins, loser does 2 burpees. Go all the way to 10 rounds. We managed to get to about 8 rounds each before time was up and we headed back to COT.



FNG AJ was asked to tell a story that he would use to impress people at a cocktail party. After a detailed account of getting conned by an old man, he revealed that the whole thing was a fabrication. He hoodwinked us. Therefore, we welcomed FNG Ponzi to the crew.


Thanks for making a rainy morning fun fellas. And thanks to Flux for the opportunity to lead.


Stay Classy,


TClap |

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