- QIC: Band Camp
- When: 02/24/2022
- Pax: Band Camp, Battle Bot, Cohiba, Cubbie, Cyclops, Kermit, Longshanks, Quack Attack, Slash, yard sale
- Posted In: Laces In
Laces had 10 PAX with a
Smorgasbord on the menu
Big 4 corners
Butt Kickers
Mountain Climbers
High Knees
Toy Soldiers
Moseying with some of the following at stops
Aussie Mountain Climbers
Mike Tysons (quite a few of these)
Bear Crawls
Bulgarian Split Squats
Some yoga
When we made it to the pull-up bars, YHC had stashed some kettlebells and cinder blocks.
Split into groups for
10 manmakers
10 burpee pull-ups
Switched out
5 manmakers
5 burpee pull-ups
Switched to the last group with called up and down weighted squats or pull-ups
Moseyed back towards COT
Stopped along the way for:
Box jumps on the loading dock
SSH at the bottom of a hill
Bulgarian Split Squats
Mike Tysons at COT
When you notice that something isn’t getting done (in this case it was me counting SSH in cadence at the bottom of that hill), it could be because it’s your job to do it. Go take care of business.
PAX at Laces today demonstrated they’re capable of some awesome work. It motivates me to post with guys accelerating like so many of y’all are in The Fort. I consistently look forward to seeing how our efforts in the gloom help spark impact outside of the gloom.
Band Camp dismissed