Friendless Dora

WARMUP: ran around parking lot with a few exercises thrown in: butt kickers, high knees, shuffles. Circled up for: SSH, merkins, hillbilly walkers, squats, and some hamstring and back stretches.
THE THANG: Ran over by Indian restaurant (which has been a number of different local establishments but it sounds like this restaurant is PAX approved), we began the fun. Dora concept but no partner. 25x merkins, 25x squats, 25x (count right leg only) flutters. Run to other end of parking lot and rinse/repeat…back and forth for a total of 100x.

Stop 2 was over at the church parking lot – same idea, different exercises. 25x CDD, 25x single count lunges, 25x Freddy (right knee only)…total 100x.

Last stop was in the back parking lot, where the dumpster fumes were at a low. 15x variety merkins (5 diamond, 5 wide arm, 5 ranger), 30x variety claves (10 out, 10 reg, 10 in), 25x LBC. Run and rinse/repeat 4 total times.
MARY: left time for 2 exercises back at COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter and cannoli run
COT: prayers for health and families

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