Ring Around the Parking Lot

WARMUP: Mosey and some other things
THE THANG: Dora – one partner ran in one direction while the other farmer carried two Cindy’s the opposite direction. Connected with the partner and did two burpees, switched the run for the farmer carry. Each time we met our partner increased burpee reps by two and switched the run and carry. Completed four laps in the parking lot for about a mile of run, mile of farmer carry split by each team and a total of 72 burpees by all. Hit the pull up bars for a series of three exercises: 3 pull ups, 6 leg raises, 9 bar taps/squats ran through this for about ten minutes.
MARY: Flutters until we couldn’t flutter and merkins til the six.
COT: Many prayers and praises for all varieties.

TClap |

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