Abs, Abs and more abs

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry pickers, SSH then mosey

THE THANG: 20 reps, 5 exercises: leg lifts, LBC’s, Big Boys, Flutters, heals to heaven, 1 lap after completion, 3 rounds total

Message on Q source topic of Missionality: getting out of the comfort zone and taking risk! Work in progress on the word familiarity! Mosey after message

20 Dips, lunge walk, 20 Merkins, bear crawl, 20 SSH’s, high knees, repeat 3 rounds. Same mode of transportation but last round was 20 Derkins, 20 squats, 20 mountain climbers

MARY: 5 burpees, box cutters, Freddy mercuries

ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive today

COT: prayer or praise from everyone

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