Subbing to the oldies

WARMUP: no messing around and got right to business knowing mumblechatter would be strong. Mosey around parking lot and stopped for cherry pickers, windmills, low slow squat, merkins, imperial walkers.
THE THANG: went to the tire / oil change for some partner work.
Partner 1 AMRAP step ups while partner 2 ran around building. Did this 3x because why not.

Ran through the smell zone to the church for more partner work.

Partner 1 AMRAP decline merkins while partner 2 ran around the circle lot. Did this 2x with round 2 for urkins.

Ran down the street to the fountain for more partner work (and we changed partners at each station I forgot).

Partner 1 flutter while partner 2 NUR up the hill to the fire station (for backdraft) and then ran pack to partner 1. Did this 2x with round 2 being LBC.

Ran up to fire station for 2 min of burpees becauseā€¦just because.

Back to COT for 3 min of Mary.
MARY: yes, she was done
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter and lots going on
COT: complete

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