Dude Where’s My Car

I’ve wanted to do this workout for YEARS! I was always worried we wouldn’t have enough time to do it.
WARMUP: 10 SSH, 5 Windmills
THE THANG: The Dude Where’s My Car workout is to do a rep in every parking space in the lot. There are 242 parking spots on the left side of the NaFo parking lot when facing the school from the field. Each row was an exercise, and you performed a rep in each spot. It went as follows:
Row 1 (25 spots) 1 Mountain Climber, then Bear Crawl to the next spot
Row 2 (25 spots) 1 Bobby Hurley
Row 3 (26 spots) 1 Plank Jack, then Bear Crawl to the next spot
Row 4 (27 spots) 2 Lunges
Row 5 (28 spots) 2 Merkins (this felt much like a burpee when you then got up to move to the next spot)
Row 6 (24 spots) 5 Calf Raises
Row 7 (22 spots) 2 sets of Shoulder Taps and Bear Crawl to the next spot
Row 8 (16 spots) 2 Big Boys
Row 9 (16 spots) 1 Burpee
Row 10 (12 spots) 1 Squat
Row 11 ( 10 spots) 1 Hand Release Merkin
Row 12 (11 spots) 10 single count Flutters
MARY: Since we didn’t find the car, we ran around the school to ensure we got it. Then we found our cars when we got back to COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T&H tomorrow. Bethel Serve opportunity 9/5/24.
COT: Prayers for kids going to college, marriages and travel.

Thanks for the push and opportunity to lead a great group of men!

TClap |

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