IronPAX week -1???

WARMUP: lots of stuff to get everyone loose
THE THANG: Cindies at the bottom of the hill by elementary school.
Called 11s on the hill with Manmakers at the bottom and Leg lifts over your head at the top while holding onto your block behind you for an anchor. 10 Manmakers at bottom to start so the bad stuff only gets less

Had to cut short around 3/8 or 4/7 for most so we could get back to COT and do about 8 min of cooldown and stretching.

We don’t stretch enough after working out. It would be one thing if guys hung out after a workout and stretched but we usually want to rush off or stand around and talk. Instead of trying to fill the last 5 min with random pain or Mary around the circle call some stretches. At most of our ages it probably would benefit more than the 5 min of exercises you squeeze in.


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