Blocks and Hills

There were three at the Badger this morning. Disclaimer – It’s been a while since I Q’d here, modify if necessary.
Warm-ups – SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, MNCs
Next, we made our way to the Pull-up bars and grabbed a cindy. 11s, 10 pull-ups, 1 squat thrushers and run down the hill and back up, rinse and repeat -1 pull-ups, +1 Thrusters.
Next, we moseyed to the stop sign near the bus line. Overhead cindy carry stopping at each tree for +1 man-makers (Four trees in total).
Took a couple steps to the main parking lot. One farmer carried two cindies, once shoulder carried one cindy, the other ran to the next lightpost, 5 merkins and return to switch out with the other pax. We snaked around the whole parking lot and returned to the pull up bars for three rounds of curls, bent over rows and run down the hill.
Back to COT.

TClap |

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