Power hour happy hour

WARMUP: Indian run around WEP trail, Cherry pickers,windmill,imperials
THE THANG: 2 rounds of sets below

Set 1:
50 Merks
25 diamond Merks
25 wide Merks
50 squats
25 lunges
25 monkey humpers
50 LBC
25 Big Boy
25 American hammer

Set 2:
50 Carolina dry dock
25 incline Merks
25 decline Merks

50 squats
25 Bobby hurleys
25 jump Squats

50 flutters
25 mountain climbers
25 second plank

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  sign up for fort Mill Retreat and learn how to respond in a dangerous situation of active shooters

COT:saying negative things out loud can make it 40x -70x more likely to happen

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