Sandbag Games

WARMUP: Slick mosey around the parking lot followed by some SSH, Good Mornings and a few Merkings.
THE THANG: I borrowed, or stole, this workout from Steak Knives in Cape Fear while we did a version of this workout as extra credit prior to a running AO. Everyone hear had a sand bag between 40lbs-60lbs.
(50) Sand bag Getups (think a Turkish getup) without ruck on.
(50) Sand bag ground to shoulders (and toss it over your shoulder) while wearing ruck.
(50) Sand bag squats while wearing ruck
(50) Sand bag clean & throws (same as a sand bag toss) while wearing ruck.
We were on a 2min timer so every 2mins, you had to do 5 burpees. After 2 rounds, we changed the count to 3 burpees.
Box Cutters with ruck overhead
LBCs with ruck overhead
Flutters with ruck overhead
American Hammers – slick
Standing side-bends with ruck in hand
Series of planking with rucks on
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter, Independence Day convergence at NAFO, give blood, Men’s Shelter
COT: You had to be there.

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Run, ruck or crawl…we’re taking the hill

– Quick warmup lap around the parking lot (slick).  YHC received immediate feedback about running at a ruck WO.  Complaints noted.
– COP:
   – LSS (IC)
   – Overhead clap (IC)
   – SSH (IC)
   – Peter Parker (IC)
Runners started rolling into the parking lot as the 4 ruckers departed for “the hill.”  Apparently the hill is useful not only for a ruck WO, but also to train for The Bear.

There are many hills on the peninsula, but Heart Attack Hill is in a class all its own.  Today’s wienke was simple…out/back to summit the hill.  While in route, we stopped at 5 minute intervals to complete 10 reps of each of the following exercises:
– Merkin (ruck on)
– Overhead press
– Ruck curls
– Ruck rows
– Squats (ruck on)
For the final 100 +/- yards up the hill, PAX were not permitted to wear the rucks on their backs.  We started with an overhead carry and were permitted to front carry (no straps) to rest.  Anyone who’s been on that section of the hill will understand the balance challenge this presents as due to the incline, you’re practically nose to pavement.  Heart rates were elevated.  The highest recorded metric was Divac’s 170 BPM “recovery” reading on the descent.  

2.55 miles and 7 rounds of exercises (350 total reps)

The runners remarked at the ruckers impeccable timing as we rolled into COT at 0559:45.  That could be attributed to solid planning, pure luck or more likely a little of each.

– Q School
– FM Care Center
– Prayers for marriages

Honored for the opportunity to lead. Thanks Divac!

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We saw a bear

WARMUP: Ruck a lap
THE THANG: Deck of pain with mosey breaks every 7th card.

– Heart – Man Maker
– Diamond – Ruck Curl
– Clubs – Shoulder Press
– Spade – Ruck swing
– Heart – Calf Raises
– Diamond – Squat
– Clubs – Merkin
– Spade – BBS


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Active recovery

Standard warm up
Ruck half the loop
Cherry pickers

We had the following exercises and reps that we did for 5 mins straight.

5 man makers
10 curls
15 squats
10 overhead press
5 burpees with ruck on

Then for active recovery we would ruck for 2 mins

Repeated this 5 times.

We were definitely faster rounds 1 and 2. No one was able to complete the list twice in one round.

Simple but effective workout. Just an example that a hard workout doesn’t have to be complicated.

30 LBCs to finish
The runners practicing for the Bear joined us

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Currahee 24May2022

Some old man stretchy things and a few merkins

Heavy stuff we carried:
– 80lb bag
– 70lb bag
– 50lb bag
– Olaf’s Hammer of Justice
– Olaf’s 80lb bag of shit stuffed in a 60lb bag
– Log – it’s big, it’s heavy (-ish), it’s wood
– a 25lb KB
– maybe something else?

As a group, we carried the heavy things around the back of the school to the playground and put them down. Marked off roughly 40yards.
Did 11s with Ruck Merkins and Overhead Presses.

Carried the heavy stuff (everyone has to carry something different each time) out to the right and to the end of the fence. Bear crawled with rucks to fire hydrant and back.

Continued loop around back of school to small parking lot for some ruck curls.

Continued carrying heavy things to front lot to play a little catch me if you can.

Final movement was practicing carrying our body weight (or close to it) for about 200 yds.

It’s dudes only, bro.

These is where we tell people about up upcoming events.

This is our 5th Core Principle.

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Crashing the buffet

WARMUP: 0500-0505
Q school followed by 3 side straddle hops to practice calling cadence. We got places to be.


Coupons: sandbags and 60lb kettlebell. One guy without a coupon

Ruck to Golden Corral, trading coupons as needed
Moderate complaining about the kettlebell

Crash the party at Golden Corral
Line up all the gear
All PAX do 10 merkins, sprint to other side, 5 burpees, then choose your weapon. Faster guys got first pick. There aren’t enough coupons for everyone.
The recommendation before starting was to not be without a coupon.

The converged PAX were now separated into 3 groups:
Ruckers – those who picked up a ruck
Couponers – Slicks who picked up a sandbag or kettlebell
Slicks – Those who were not able to get a coupon

DORA – Couponers are the timers, everyone else does reps until they return.

Round 1:
Ruckers do merkins
Couponers carry coupons to other end of parking lot then do 20 squats with coupon.
Slicks do burpees

Round 2:
Ruckers do squats
Couponers carry coupons and do 20 overhead presses
Slicks do burpees

Slicks were taken off the hook and allowed to choose someone to trade with.

repeat round 1, then we had to get back to COT. Departed at 0540.

0540 – 0601
A brisk ruck back where there was even more complaining about the 60lb kettlebell, and arrived at COT at 0601. No extra charge for the extra minute

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pickup saturday, bourbon tasting saturday

COT: A reminder from Slapshot about safety and being sure someone has a phone – especially when traveling off campus, and especially now that the weather is warming up.

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Q-School 2022

Have you not Q’d a workout yet in the Fort?
Have you not Q’d in a while?

Then you may be a perfect candidate for Q School.

Starting the Week of 5/16  we will be hosting 5 separate sessions of Q school throughout the Fort. Each Q school session will give PAX an overview on the fundamentals of being a Q and an intro into a specific type of workout.

It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned PAX or a newcomer these sessions will provide important reminders and tips on how to execute a challenging workout.

What we’ll cover:

  • How to Prep
  • Safety
  • Disclaimer
  • Cadence
  • Workout Routines
  • COT/Naming of FNG’s
  • Backblasts

This year, for this first time we’ll be offering Q school with Ruck and Run options. This is an awesome opportunity to sharpen skills, learn new skills, and introduce yourself to workouts you haven’t experienced in the past.

The Lineup:

5/16 Sweet the Leg  – Running Bootcamp

5/17 Curahee – Ruck

5/18 Clydesdales – Run

5/19 Laces In – Boot Camp

5/20 The Hive – Kettlebell

If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to reach out to SlapShot.


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Manion WOD so I can wear my shirt.

WARMUP: Short Ruck with sandbags to starting location. Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers, SSH, and Low Slow Squats in no particular order or count.
7 rounds
400m ruck
29 back squats with our without sandbags
MARY: Cobra Kai led broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Men’s Shelter Dinner, Manion WOD on 4/29/2022
COT: Stays in COT

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The Bunky

In the gloom this morning, YHC Q’ed the “Bunky” WOD. In honor of my recently passed paternal grandfather, William “Bunky” Williams, IV. He led a good life with three children, five grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. He lived to be 94 years. Below is the WOD that YHC wrote up to show him respect. He was an avid water sportsman, a fisherman, a merchant marine, and a baseball fanatic. Among other things, he taught YHC how to throw a knuckleball, took myself and my cousins crabbing on his pontoon boat, and taught me many things about the water.

Beyond what he did and didn’t do, and for aside from the obvious reason he is passing, YHC is feeling sad. I miss him, and will miss him for a long time. I also know that a window of mine into the past has closed. Grandparents span at least six generations. They are literally a time machine of knowledge of 100 + years. His grandfather, and potential great grandfather were alive when he was a child. My great, great, great grandfather and I could be connected via his memories. Take advantage if you still have those family members in your life. Their memories die with them if not shared with us.

During the WOD YHC would take short breaks and tell stories of his life – good and not so good. 



Lead off with 94 4-count Ruck SSH IC. 

Born 06/27/1927 – Died 02/06/2021

Rep Count of 6-27-19-27

Sandbag OH Press

Sandbag Squats

Sandbag Good Mornings

Crab Walk w/Ruck out and back


Midway Point

94 Single Count Flutter Kicks

3 children, 5 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren

3 sandbag get ups

5 Manmakers w/SB

6 sandbag over the shoulder


Second Half

Rep Count of 2-6-20-22

Sandbag Bent Over Row

Sandbag Clean and Toss

Sandbag Side Bends

Ruck Duck Walk out and ruck back

We made it to 20, and then hit 0600.



I mentioned my grandfathers’ struggle with alcohol and other things throughout the weinke. Divac mentioned in COT something very profound and true. Too often we spend our time thinking about what our fathers owe us, or what they did wrong. We are not perfect, and we know it. Neither were they. They have a story just like us and have reasons for why they did what they did – right or wrong. They don’t owe us anything – let’s flip the script here. We owe our fathers and grandfathers way more for giving us life, providing for us, loving us (to whatever degree), and creating opportunity. As long as we take what was given us and take it one step further for our children – that’s forward progress.


Solid showing today by some solid men. All of which I am glad to have in my corner.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Shoulders and Sandbags at Currahee

It’s February 1st, it’s cold(ish), GTE season is about to kick off and we’re at Currahee. I asked the PAX to bring a few sandbags so we had kettle bells and bags ranging from 20lbs – 80lbs which was perfect to welcome Badlands to his virgin ruck workout.

Disclaimer & ground your rucks

Jog around the parking lot
Grab your rucks and shuffle around the parking lot
Grab all the coupons and ruck around the parking lot

Good morning. I love you. Now do 20 Man Makers.

To the soccer fields:
Bear crawl (rucks only) 1/2 way across the field (shorter distance) then bear crawl ruck drag the remaining distance.
Go to one end of the field and set your eyes on the other end. Now we’re looking at the field via the long way.
Shuffle 1/2 way, 10 tricep extensions, shuffle the rest, 10 tricep extensions
NUR 1/2 way, 20 upright rows, NUR the rest, 20 upright rows
I promise I love you. Bear crawl 1/2 way (again, we’re talking about the long way), 10 merkins, bear crawl ruck drag the rest, 10 slick merkins.

Back to the coupons in the lot .
With rucks and all coupons, we’d ruck the big drop off loop with stops at each of the 4 corners for 3 exercises at each:
10 Ruck Thrusters
15 Overhead Press
20 Ruck Curls (this turned out to be the worst especially for Mainframe and his 45lb’er)

Rucks only and make our way to the flags
On your back, legs straight up and rucks overhead, LBC’s in cadence
Flutters in cadence
Rucks on your feet then modified LBC’s in cadence

On your feet.
PAX hold their ruck with arms bent at 90 degrees. Each PAX take their turn at performing 5 good ruck curls while the rest hold the 90.

Overhead ruck carry back to COT.

Hey Divac…GO PACK (Wolfpack, that is)

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