Ruck Dora

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Imperial Walker
THE THANG: Dora with Partner
100 merkins with ruck
200 Ruck Swings
300 Flutters
Timer 100 yard ruck

Thing Two on Soccer Field
Ruck overhead carry 100 yards
Bear Crawl 100yds
Crawl Bear 100yds
Suitcase carried two rucks while their partner did lunges
Repeat list 2x
MARY: None
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Who is the real “Waterboy”

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry Pickers, and Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Rucks on and mosey to the Wally World Parking Lot. Trust circle formation with following exercises in counts of 10: Flutter Kick w/chest press, hammers, and slow low squats. Mosey back to the school. Stop midway for another session of Tens: Guardrail merkins, dips, single lunges, and 30 sec plank holds. Then hustle up to COT
MARY: Audibles: Ruck Curls, Tricep Pulls, Bent Over Rows, Flutter Kicks w/Chest Press, Over Head Ruck Squats, Micro BigBoys, Over Head Arm Raises, Ruck Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ&Burbon fund raisers, ClaveBoss, Read your newsletter
COT: What happens in COT, stays in COT !!!

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On like Donkey Kong

Warm-up lap around the carpool line with ruck only. Circled back to pick up sandbags and headed to the Amphitheater. Carried bag and ruck to first level, 10 ruck swings. Followed path back down to the bottom with ruck only. Bear crawled back to bag, carried both to second level, 15 squat thrusters, and back to bottom with ruck. Bear crawl back to bag, carry both to next level, 15 man makers. One more level, kind of like Donkey Kong without the flaming barrels. Bear crawl to the top level, flutter with ruck overhead, 25 in cadence,
Next, we traveled back to the front of the school with ruck and sandbags. We each took turns moving the sandbags between the cones, about 50 yards while the others performed exercises with their rucks. When it was my turn to move the sandbags, I called man makers and quickly changed the exercise after the “Debbie Downer” faces from the other pax. We did arrived at the flag a bit early so we finished up with man makers.
Great job everyone!

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4-ish Miles

THE THANG: Ruck, plank, 1 pull-up, misc. bag exercises, ruck. Appx. 3.5 miles total.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final litter pickup this Saturday, 2.0 fundraiser, GoRuck Double Heavy inbound
COT: Yes

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A Fran-tastic time atop the hill

9 Motivators
Peter Parkers
Low slow squats

With 7 men and 3 sandbags:

Stop along the way for
10 squats
10 merkins

At the top
Fran-ish (Fran is a benchmark Crossfit workout. It’s supposed to be Thrusters and pullups)

Return to COT on time

I’m not a professional, but we landed the plane at precisely 0600 so no need to fill some extra time with nonsense

Sober October
CRI Training


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Sandbags and logs

WARMUP: Windmills, 4 count squats, imperial Walker’s, merkins, then light ruck shuffle to loosen everything up.
THE THANG: Buy in: every 2:30 complete the following w/ruck on entire time: 10 squat cleans w/sandbag, 10 merkins, 10 OH sandbag press and 10 bentover sandbag rows. 4 rounds for 10 mins total. Honestly this was a terrible idea. It takes almost the entire 2:30 to complete so very little rest between rounds.
Quick break to recover them grab a couple of sandbags and move to back of school. Grab the logs, 3 PAX per log and move them back to front of school. Each team front rack carried their log the length of the parking lot. On other end perform 10 team overhead log presses then 10 team log squats. Front rack carry log back to start point. Set log down then complete the following: 3 rounds of 3 exercises. 1st round is 21 reps of each, 2nd round is 15, and last round is 9. 3 exercises were front ruck squats, overhead ruck presses, and swings.
Pick up the logs and take them back to spot behind school. Grab sandbags and move back to cars. Couple of minutes left so another 3 round, 3 exercise routine. This time reps are 15, 10, then 5. Exercises were overhead lunges, ruck curls, and flutters. Times up. Work was done and no one was injured. Successful morning!
Thx Sprocket for the opportunity.

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Miles of Conversation

THE THANG: Started with a couple of laps around the parking lot “slick”. A few warm ups. 3 of us walked the rest of the time switching 60 lb sandbag every 3 minutes. Sprocket went running and met us at COT.

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Welcome Party Prep

This morning at Currahee, four men discussed what to expect in GrowRuck events. Here’s what we did:

– Overhead Ruck Walk length of the parking lot
– Overhead Ruck Lunge Walk – half the lot
– Bear Crawl half the lot
– Ruck 2 miles
– PT Test (52 Ab Lab Sit-ups and 42 Merkins in 4 minutes)
– Picking Cherries for 1 Minute

We discussed the Dynamic Inspection and Welcome Party and what to expect. It is one of the hardest beatdowns you will encounter. No walking, always moving, heavy sweating, and lots of yelling. It is designed to get you smoked fast and make you uncomfortable early. Lots of back and forth on a football field. Lots of confusing instructions. Lots of misdirection and penalties. Where’s my license? Did they move my ruck? When will we stop with the overhead carries? Then the Cadre get to “scuff you up.” This is where you spend several minutes in a rotating fashion between Cadres. Each Cadre has their own greatest hits, but they are designed to make it suck. Upon completion, you will certainly wonder if you have what it takes to complete the ruck. That’s the design.

At some point you will have a PT test. Recently, that PT test has included 2 minutes AMRAP Merkins (42 minimum), 2 minutes AMRAP Ab Mat Sit-ups (52 minimum), and 2 mile run (slick) in 18 minutes or less. Failure to meet the standard results in a penalty.

So, that’s why we did what we did – to get prepared for the expected while being prepared for the unexpected. Great work today, men. Thanks for the opportunity.


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