This morning at Currahee, four men discussed what to expect in GrowRuck events. Here’s what we did:
– Overhead Ruck Walk length of the parking lot
– Overhead Ruck Lunge Walk – half the lot
– Bear Crawl half the lot
– Ruck 2 miles
– PT Test (52 Ab Lab Sit-ups and 42 Merkins in 4 minutes)
– Picking Cherries for 1 Minute
We discussed the Dynamic Inspection and Welcome Party and what to expect. It is one of the hardest beatdowns you will encounter. No walking, always moving, heavy sweating, and lots of yelling. It is designed to get you smoked fast and make you uncomfortable early. Lots of back and forth on a football field. Lots of confusing instructions. Lots of misdirection and penalties. Where’s my license? Did they move my ruck? When will we stop with the overhead carries? Then the Cadre get to “scuff you up.” This is where you spend several minutes in a rotating fashion between Cadres. Each Cadre has their own greatest hits, but they are designed to make it suck. Upon completion, you will certainly wonder if you have what it takes to complete the ruck. That’s the design.
At some point you will have a PT test. Recently, that PT test has included 2 minutes AMRAP Merkins (42 minimum), 2 minutes AMRAP Ab Mat Sit-ups (52 minimum), and 2 mile run (slick) in 18 minutes or less. Failure to meet the standard results in a penalty.
So, that’s why we did what we did – to get prepared for the expected while being prepared for the unexpected. Great work today, men. Thanks for the opportunity.