Blackjack at GC

  • QIC: Fishsticks
  • When: 07/05/16
  • Pax: Pusher, Menthol, Decibel, Waldo, Router, Fishsticks
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Six men showed up for a post holiday workout on a hot and sticky morning.  After the disclaimer, we headed to the back of HT for the following warm-up exercises:

SSHs x 25

Imperial Walkers x 20

Windmills x 15

Mountain Climber x15

Merkins x 10

6″ plank hold

Peter Parkers x 10

6″ plank hold

Mosey to light pole, line up along the parking stripes:

– Lunge walk to the far light pole and jog back to the starting point

– Bear crawl to the far light pole and jog back to the starting point

– Crab walk to the far light pole and jog back to the starting point

Mosey to Stockbridge Drive for some partner exercises.

Partner #1 – Run backwards up to the cell tower, 10 bomb jacks, run down to the traffic circle and back to the starting point.

Partner #2 – Squats until partner #1 returns.

Rinse and Repeat 3 times.

Mosey to the church parking lot for blackjack between the light poles.

Start – 1 LBC , run to the far light pole, 20 merkins, and back to starting point.

Repeat (+1 LBC and -1 merkin)

Back to COT

Awesome job by everyone with lots of encouragement and fellowship this morning.

It sometimes gets lost with the fireworks, food, and parades, but continue to remember all of the individuals who fought for our freedom and independence. We live in a great country.  We are also very fortunate to have a great F3 group in our area.

Always an honor!

>O  II



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Evil 8 enter the Corral

  • QIC: Lug Nut
  • When: 06/28/16
  • Pax: LugNut, Cerrono, White Lightning, Back Draft, Crab Cakes, Matrix, Cobra Kai, Maximus, Zima, Long Shanks, Fish Stix, Jekyll, Old Bay, Lil E, Boihim, Decimal, Cornerstone, Chicken Hawk, Freebird, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

YHC was at Isle of Palms yesterday and received a call from Decimal for a fill in Q. In that I had never Q the Golden Corral I could not turn down the opportunity. Also I was jacked as I saw that several soldiers in Spitz army would be there.

YHC came in HOT and went straight to disclaimer. No FNG’s. Informed Pax I h

Start off with 10 Burpies OYO
Mosey to the back of HT
10 Burpies OYO
20 IW IC
20 Squats IC
20 Monkey Humpers
10 Burpies OYO

Bear Crawl 25 yards 5 burpies, 25 yard 5 burpies across parking lot, then rinse and repeat back. Plank series.

Mosey to HT side wall. Get partner and wheelbarrow the width of the store. Alternating with partner as necessary. Plank series.

I was not expecting 20 pax and it ended up not raining so YHC brought out the Evil 8.

This consists of the pax dividing up in 4 groups and work all 4 stations in a figure 8 rotation with sets of 8 at each station. The exercises consisted of Bombjacks, monkey humpers, mak tai jai and knee tai jai. Each time you intercept the center of the figure 8 you do 5 burpies. We also bearcrawled to and from the center of figure 8 to next station. We did 2 complete figure 8. For good measure we did 10 extra burpies when everyone finished.

Mosey Back to the HT side wall for another wheelbarrow cycle, then plank series. Next missed it up with lunge walks and plank series. Then 1 more wheelbarrow series with planks at the end.

Chair Sits with each pax calling out name and counting to 5.
10 morockian nightclubs. bearcrawl across and back for some BTTW.

1 minute of Mary with Hello Dollies and Rosolitas.
Of course finish up with 10 burpies.
The pax is awesome shape so I knew I had to bring it. The were up to the test and great work by all. Decimal thanks for the opportunity.

Lots of prayers and praises. Very humbled by Cornerstone’s story. Remember that you either going into a crisis, in a crisis or coming out of a crisis. We need to lean on each other for support. F3 is not just a workout group.

Very humbled.

Nut Cracked.

Read Newsletter

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Great Morning at the Buffet

  • QIC: Gekko
  • When: 06/21/16
  • Pax: Howitzer, Decibel, Cornerstone, Dark Helmet, Wild Thing, Witch Hunt, Trojan, Copperfield
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Great to see a good bunch of guys out this morning at the Golden Corral.  Even though I can throw a rock to The Pantheon from my house I always consider GC my home AO.  Been missing a lot with this Tri training so it was great to be back out there  on a beautiful morning.  The Pax assembled and the disclaimer was given and we were off.  Short Mosey to the back of the Teeter with some dynamic stretches along the way(no power skips).

COP consisted of SSH, Mountain climbers, Ski Abs, Plank Jacks, Moroccan Night Clubs, SSH. Wait, where did Dark Helmet come from?????

Headed to the Oil change place, Instructions were given There will be 3 stations we will run the circuit 3 times

Station #1 20 Dips, 20 Derkins, 20 Step ups Mosey to Station #2

Station #2 20 LBCs Bear Crawl/Lunge Walk the length of the HT Wall 20 Squats – Mosey to Station #3 at Jersey Mike’s

Station #3 10 Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins, 10 Carolina Dry Dock, 20 Jumping Lunges

The PAX did awesome, I haven’t Q’ed in a while and I think I made it too easy, this group is really getting strong.  We finished with time for Ab O’Rama Hello Dolly, Crunchy Frog, X & O, Some kind of weird Crunch thing from Howitzer, and Trojan finished up with a “nice” Protractor.

Off to COT

I am out of practice on being Q, so much so that I forgot to drop my words of wisdom and encouragement on the PAX- If I remembered I would have reminded the PAX of our focus on Humility this month and the first step in humility is becoming humbled by something or someone, and that thing better be something timeless and True – Like The Word of God.


Children’s Attention home – Read the news letter

There is no Hog & Coyote the week(thank you Dark Helmet)

F3 Dads on Sat at WEP – July will be in Rock HIll


Cornerstone’s 2.0 battling Leukemia, healing for her and patience and strength for Mom & Dad

Continued Prayers for Spud and Olive

Always an honor to serve.


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Enough with the Merkins Already…

  • QIC: Royale
  • When: 06/14/2016
  • Pax: Full House, Howitzer, Cornerstone, Chicken Hawk, Boeheim, Geronimo, Chedda, Royale, Fish Sticks (runner)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Tuesday morning, 2nd Q in a row. I haven’t had the opportunity to Q in a month and now they come back to back. I couldn’t be more excited! I got to Golden Corral 15 minutes early, dropped my coupons and planted my Flag and waited for the PAX to arrive. It’s been several months since I’ve been to GC, so I was happy to meet a few new PAX that I haven’t seen before. Full House has some good mumblechatter!

FORGOT the disclaimer…but made it up around minute 35…so better late than never.

5:15am so time to mosey!

Moved behind the Harris Teeter building right between two garbage bins for COP

Warm-up contained SSH IWs Windmills Mountain Climbers CDDs MNCs Cherry Pickers. Started to break a sweat so that was good enough.

Moseyed to the Oil Change building for 2 rounds of 20 Step ups reverse to 10 Derkins

Quick 10 count mosey to the Dark Hill behind the lot. Made sure to watch out for a big drop off where they have road construction going, lucky I reconned in the early AM or I might have lost another ankle!

7s on the Hill
Top we start with 6 Kraken Burpees, I informed the PAX that have not been to the Deep (shameless plug for Lake Wylie) that Kraken burpees are 3 hand release merkins then top it with a burpee. That’s “1!”

Bottom of the hill we’ll do my favorite merkin, the Ranger Merkin.

6 at top 1 at bottom – rinse and repeat until 6 at bottom and 1 at top. You know the drill.

Mosey over to open field where we found the pavers I left for fun.

Circle up each man with a Paver brick. We would do the following exercises to failure while each member of the PAX ran around the circle. We’d get to 3 or 4 PAX completing their run and we’d take a quick break.

Paver Curls
Bent Rows
Tricep Extensions
Over Head Press
Paver Curls again
Bent Rows again

I was about to start an Indian run but Chedda offered a better idea and we hit the Harris Teeter Wall for People’s chair. I added a bear crawl from one end to the other for the PAX to keep it interesting.

Switched to BTTW for 2 10 counts

Back to People’s Chair with a Bear Crawl – Howitzer does more of a leaping gallop…you should have seen him at the PAINtheon Games! He is truly the Bear crawl expert!

We each grabbed a paver and moseyed back to COT

Announcements were made (read your newsletter)

Prayers for:
Our PAX Spud and the unexpected loss of his son Jay (see twitter and for arraignments or contact Bing)
Prayer’s for Orlando and senseless violence
Healing for Cornerstone’s daughter, Emma, battling Leukemia
A friend’s daughter, Vivian, with Leukemia as well

Prayers for Hope shared by Full House and how his wife is recovering from liver cancer

Praises for miracles for YHC Co-worker’s Brother who died for 12 minutes from electrocution in a pool over Memorial Day. He’s finally out of a coma and doing better than expected.

Praises for Cornhole’s new career opportunity!

All I can say about this Tuesday morning workout is that F3 is more than a workout. Full House truly shared some inspiring words about his wife and the power of prayer. It was great to be able to lead the prayer for healing that Cornerstone’s daughter needs, and to hear there can be hope when there are so many terrible things that happen in this world. I’m so glad I can be a part of these men’s lives for just a few short minutes a day, and that we all have the chance to grow stronger together at every interaction.

An Honor to Lead


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5/31/16 – Why I Suck At Golf – Golden Corral

  • QIC: 5/31/16
  • Pax: LugNut, CornerStone, Jekyll, Spitz, YAYA FNG, Fishsticks, Cornhole, Router, T-Squared, Howitzer, Sir Topham Hat, Corruption, What-Did, Aquaman, Lil E
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

16 posted on this last day of May, for a post Murph beat down.

The theme for the work out was Partnership.

The Thang:

Mosey to YMCA field
SSH, Merkin, IW, squat, squat-merkin, mountain climber, Parker Peter, Peter Parker

Mosey to line, a YHC Q is not complete without some PowerSkips (aka, WorldWide Leaders)

Partner up, partner wheel barrel down, plank until 6 is in
Seal team push ups, one continuous line of pax with feet of one pax on the shoulders of the pax behind him, 10 pushups as a group
Partner Wheel barrel back, plank until 6 is in
Seal team sit ups, 20 reps

As a team, partner one runs, partner two do exercise:
200 Freddy Mercury

Partner derkins (feet on partner’s back)
Partner v-ups

Back to running/execise combo with 100 pushups

Mosey back to Harris Teeter parking lot for 8 MOM


Welcome FNG YAYA, Spitz 15 year old 2.0! The theme was partnership, the workout can be done alone, but much more effective with a partner in crime, same is true in life and marriage. if you aren’t in a Whetstone partnership, get in one.

HYC shared a devotional from a weekly bible study app that related marriage of golf:
Marriage Devotional – happiness – golfer
Being in love and feeling happy are the most important things in marriage.
I took up golf about fifteen years ago. Let’s assume for a minute that God was the one who wanted me to play golf (which I, however self-servingly, believe to be true). Now, let’s ask the million-dollar question: Why did God want me to play golf? Initially, I thought it was because God wanted me to be happy. But once I started playing, I quickly realized my error. How did I know? I was really unhappy when I first started playing golf because I was really bad at it.
I’ve come to realize that golf is not designed to make golfers happy. Golf is designed to make golfers really unhappy and, as a result, motivate them to become better golfers who are “mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4). I believe God wanted me to play golf because He wanted to use that particular sport to help me grow as a person, both spiritually and psychologically (which, by the way, I don’t always appreciate!). Now when I encounter challenges and setbacks on the golf course, I look at them as opportunities to learn new skills and to become a stronger, more competent golfer.
Let’s apply this golf discussion to marriage. Imagine a marriage in which the husband and wife think marriage is supposed to make them happy. They are miserable whenever conflicts and setbacks arise and may eventually want to walk away from the marriage altogether. Consider how different this husband and wife would feel if they approached marriage with the focus of growing into more mature, agape-loving people who helped each other do the same. Each day would be an opportunity to learn something new about marriage and about each other. Each day would open the door for them to grow into more fully loving and wholehearted people. And, yes, both of them would be content, peaceful, and, dare I say it—happy—as a result.
God, please help me to stop focusing on my happiness and start focusing on helping me and my spouse mature. Please help me to see the shortsightedness of seeking primarily happiness in marriage.

Round of prayers and praises and we disbanded into life.


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Memorial Day Murph at The Fort

Step 1: Finish your regular Monday Post
Step 2: Show up at The Coop (Nation Ford High School, Ft. Mill) and do The Murph.
Step 3: Remember that Memorial Day isn’t just cookouts and pool time…

The Thang:
We began with a warm-up led by each of the Veterans who were in attendance (CSPAN, Blackhawk, Howitzer, and Apache – my apologies if I missed anyone, but that’s all I could remember). There were a number of Seal Jacks, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, and some Bro-ga…

We then brought it in to be reminded of why were really there. The workout is good, but Freedom isn’t free, and we were there to honor men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. So, after a lesson from CSPAN on how to count to 4, we moseyed to the track to begin.

47 Pax completed the following for time (some with 20lb weight vests, and some with our built in weight vests who competed in the “modified” category):
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats
Another 1 Mile Run

And there you have it… Workout complete. Then we circled up and each man present read the name (either one that they brought or one that CSPAN provided) of a fallen serviceman/woman so we could memorialize them.

It’s always humbling to do The Murph for me. Not just because it is very physically demanding and I get to see how many times guys like Mary Lou can lap me on a mile track, but also because I am reminded of the men and women that gave all so that regular folks like me can live free. It is a gift that is unmatchable, unrepayable, and undeserved, and for it, I am grateful.

I can’t speak for everyone’s faith tradition, but in my personal belief system, Jesus Christ gave His life willingly to pay for my sins, my stupidity, and my weakness that I may live again in the presence of my Heavenly Father with my wife and family for eternity. Through His sacrifice, He has made me free from the tyranny of the Devil, free from pain, from death, and from Hell. He did something for me (and all of us) that we could not do for ourselves. It is my feeling that in keeping with that pattern, anyone who performs a service for another that they could not perform for themselves is acting in a Christlike way. The fallen soldiers that we honored today (and the many, many more that went unnamed this morning) did much that same thing. They willingly gave their lives and sacrificed that I may live on Earth in this country with my wife and family. They have provided me freedom from the tyranny of evil men, and they have done for me things that I could not do for myself. Reading their names after a workout is small in comparison, but I like to think that they are looking down and that maybe they appreciate the fact that we are trying, in our feeble ways, to honor them. To acknowledge that we rise and sleep in a country that their sacrifice made possible…

Helmet, out…

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Pre-Blast for Memorial Day MURPH “FunHouse FunRun”

If you don’t know by now, The Fort will be conducting the Annual Memorial Day Murph at NAFO high school (The Coop and Varsity AO).  This is a great opportunity to work out with The PAX to honor our service men and women. Post to your regular AO, then head over to NAFO for the double-down.  In addition to the workout, there will be awards handed out to those who perform at the top of the group.

However, there is one award that perked my ears, the Funhouse Pull Up award.  I assumed this award was for the PAX who increased their pull up count exponentially from the last go around (go search the last Fitness Test).  This was not the case.  ‘Casa de diversion’ (modified pull-up version aka the FUNHOUSE award)…..  “Don’t fall short, if you cannot or do not have a vest at least strive to perform your pull-ups without variation or as we stated above – try not to perform a #Funhouse so start working on those pull-ups today – you have time!”  So yes, YHC likes to modify.  Especially a freaking pull up. So why not “modify” the MURPH with a typical “FunHouse FunRun”?  Call it a triple-down.

So if you’re not afraid of modifying (CSPAN I see your “burpees” so I KNOW you love to modify) join me for this THANG:

Memorial Day – Monday, May 30th 0430

Start (Leg #1): 0430 at Trailhead Park in Tega Cay for a run to Flight Plan (Baxter Startbucks) ~ 4.2 miles

Leg #2: Flight Plan 0515 (YHC the Q) – I will find a suitable 4.5 mile loop that will get everyone ready to go do the MURPH- Total so far ~ 8.7 miles

Leg #3: Run to NAFO 0600 – There will be little time for COT at Flight Plan for those on the #FunRun, so I may hand this off to someone staying behind.  We must get on our horses and head out to make the 5.5 miles to NAFO in 50 minutes before the MURPH starts. The route is down 160 and take a left on 21 and then a right on 460 to NAFO. – Total so far ~ 14.2 miles

Leg #4: The MURPH – 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and a final 1 mile run. Ugh. So final total mileage ~ 16.2 miles

So join YHC to “modify” your typical day.


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A Little Hill Work

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: 05/17/2016
  • Pax: Smokey, Cerrano, Senator Tressel, Corruption, Willie, Slum Lord, What Did, Spiderman, Short Sale, Two Buck, Aquaman, Lil' E, Double D, Wild Thing, Fishsticks, Chicken Hawk, Photo Bomb, Hauschka
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

19 men showed to fill up the truck for CAH and see what kind of trouble YHC could get them in.

Mosey behind shopping Center:

Circle Up: IW x20, Merkins x10, Peter Parkeres x 20, Morracan NC x20, Mountain Climbers x20, Cotton Pickers x15, Parker Peters x20

Mosey to hill behind apartment complex (sorry for any late comers as we were well hidden)

On guardrail do 25 dips and 20 Derkins, Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and repeat.

Get into teams of 3 (Count off did not work well)

Two team members start at bottom and one on top.  At the top do 5- 3 merkin burpees then do an ab (LBC or Rosalita) until teammate tags you.  At bottom do 20 CDD then ab until teamate tags you (Freddy or Hello Dolly)

One team member is always running.

Repeat until every person has hit each station five times.

Mosey to side entrance of shopping center and do 10 burpees.

Mosey to cart corrals: 20 chest ups and 15 X-O’s, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to COT- 15 missionary planks and 20 LBC

Great time as always.  Thank you to the men of F3

TClap |

Partner Carries at the Corral

  • QIC: Spider-man
  • When: 04/26/16
  • Pax: Pusher, Dark Helmet, Smokey, Boeheim, Jekyl, Wapner, Cerrano, Hauschka, Gears, Witch hunt, Bing, Geronimo, Decibel, Short Sale, Funhouse, Package, Router
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

We had a pretty good sized PAX gathered pretty early in the parking lot.  Cerrano was the only one sweating at that point after knocking out a 4 mile pre-run.  This was a pretty special Q for me as it was my first Q at Golden Corral and it was the location of my first post a year and a half ago when Cerrano and I started this crazy F3 thing.  Neither one of us were in any kind of shape at the time so I felt like this Q had to be special.  I gathered up some of my favorites from prior Qs and put them all together into something that can only be described as awful.

5:14 and Fun House is running through the parking lot toward the PAX after his normal run from his house on Tuesday mornings.  Time to begin.

We began with a mosey around then entire parking lot, behind the HT building, and circled up in front of Bubbles and Bows.


  • SSH X30
  • Imperial Walkers X15
  • Merkins X15 with a 6 inch hold at the end
  • Windmill X15

Partner up, size matters!

Mosey to the first cone placed about mid parking lot.  This would involve cones and a mixture of partner carries and running to move between the cones.  Each partner carry was about 280 ft.

  • Cone 1: 10 Burpees
    • Partner Carry to the parking lot island in front of the candy store
  • Cone 2: 15 Plank Jacks
    • Partner Carry to the end of the curb just before leaving the parking lot on the side with the church
  • Cone 3: Curb Merkins – 15 each side
    • Mosey behind the HT building to the wall behind the service center
  • Cone 4: Wall Jumps – 15
    • Mosey to the front left corner of the HT
  • Cone 5: 10 Spiderman Burpees
    • Partner carry up the hill to the first light pole at the back of the parking lot
  • Cone 6:  Elbow planks with 20 partner hand slaps
    • Partner carry back to the first cone

Series 1:

  • Complete the whole circuit.
  • Mosey to the wall for Preachers Chair
  • Wall of Worm with a derkin – up into balls to the wall, walk out with hands (2 steps each) and complete a derkin.  Do this twice.
  • Mosey back to the first cone

Series 2:

  • Complete the whole circuit.  Modify the wall to 10 wall jumps
  • Mosey to the wall for Preachers Chair
  • Balls to the Wall
  • Mosey back to the first cone

Series 3:

  • Run to each cone (no partner carry).  Eliminate the wall jumps and modify the Spiderman merkins to 5
  • Mosey from the first cone to the cars for Mary


  • Protractor
  • LBC
  • Rosalita
  • SLOW Freddie Mercury (thank you Funhouse)

Thank you to Decibel for the opportunity to lead!  Always an honor to lead such a solid group.


  • Thin Mint is injured and therefore has a spot available to anyone that wants it.  Contact Spider-Man or Thin Mint if interested
  • Christmas Party – Let Italian Job know 100% either way if you want to go this year
  • May 7th Convergence in Rock Hill for 2 year anniversary
  • Dark Helmet leading the Richmond, VA launch
  • Geronimo – Collecting for the Fort Mill Care Center and doing service work this Saturday at the Anne Springs Horse Barn

Prayer Requests:

  •  Jekyl’s M having some tests done.  Prayers for good test results.
  • Dark Helmet’s sister in law having tests related to pregnancy.  Prayers for good test results.
TClap |

Respect the 50’s

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 04/12/16
  • Pax: Double D, Cerrano, Pusher, Smuggler, Jekyll, Corruption, Bubba Gump, Boeheim, Change Order, Senator Tressel, Sasquatch, Royale, Zima, Whoppner, Turbine, Gears, Anchor Man, Willy, Bing, What Did, MacGyver, Main Frame, Fish Sticks, Wezer, Solid State, Spiderman, AXL, Speaker, Bolt, Old Bay, Aquaman, Santini, Ca Ching, Java, Tesh, FNG Noid, Stang, Smokey, Tater, Cheddar, Cake Boss, Howitzer, Short Sale, Twister, Gekko, Trucker, Decibel, Gatsby, Sir TophamHat, Rock Trill, Houshka, Mash, CSPAN, El Diablo, Repeat, Crash, Long Shanks, Dark Helmet, Chaser, Flat Tire, Little E, WWL
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

What started out as an attempt to silently step into my 50’s with a Q, quickly changed and word got out about my upcoming move into “Respect” territory. A simple request was put out by a few fellow PAX (Royale, Gears, Zima) to get 50 to my Q. Well in normal F3 fashion things quickly escalated and all the region AO’s were closed and PAX were directed to Golden Corral. Result, 63 PAX showed up! Humbled and honored but not surprised. A testament to what F3 can do when a call to action presents itself. Whether its to celebrate a milestone, support a certain calling of community support or assisting others in time of need you guys make it happen. The list is huge and will continue to grow because each of you represent the “Iam3rd” mentality.

The Thang
I think everyone was expecting a easy workout, you know being 50 and all, but I couldn’t dis”respect” those that have gone before me.

9 min rotations
Warm up
Mosey past Burn Bootcamp
SSH – 50
10 each IW, Windmill, Squats, Merkins
Broke in 4 groups and moseyed to rotate through each station
1-Express Lube 5 sets x 10
Step ups
2-Grass area – PVC pipes
Jack Webs 1-5 to 5-25
Tricep ext – 25
Jack Webs 6-30 to 10-50
Tricep ext – 25
3 – 9 Rounds – 2 sets x 25
LBC – Mtn Climbers
Flutter kicks – Peter Parkers
Hello Dollies – Parker Peters
4 – Run behind HT 5 cones
10 burbees each cone

A HUGE shoutout to my fellow “Respects” Senator Tressel, Tater and Twister for stepping up to ensure some sort of order and control of the PAX. Couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you for the needed accountability to continually improve and being living examples of what being #HIM is all about.
Honored to start my days with you and call you my brothers.

I thank each one of you for making this a truly special day.
Humbly Cornhole, 50, Out.

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