Burpees for Breakfast

Light jog around the Harris Teeter lot and circle up in front of Red Bowl for COP:

All in cadence: SSH x 25, merkin x 10, windmill x 10, squat x 20, Peter Parker Peter (10 and 10), IW x 25, Freddie Merc x 25
Line up in front of the store for 70 yard dashes/burpee ladder with ab exercises for recovery:

1. Run to end of lot, do 10 burpees OYO, run back, plank until everyone is home, 20 flutters in cadence
2. Run to end of lot, do 15 burpees OYO, run back, plank until everyone is home, 20 dying cockroach in cadence
3. Run to end of lot, do 20 burpees OYO…20 pretzel crunch in cadence
4. Run to end of lot, do 25 burpees OYO…20 ?? in cadence

Mosey to the long wall along Harris Teeter:
Lunge walk the full length of the wall, have a seat along the wall at the end, and wait until everyone seated, hold for 30 sec.
Bear crawl the full length of the wall back to the start, have a seat along the wall…hold for 30 sec
Crab walk the full length of the wall, have a seat along the wall…hold for 30 sec
Partner carry ½ the length of the wall, flapjack, finish to the end of the wall and mosey back for COT

Box cutter x 20, superman hold x 2

Q Source today, Jaeger coming up in 2 weeks, read your newsletter
Praises for families and family time; prayers for kids making poor decisions, Char-Meck police officers killed yesterday, Isreal/Gaza/Palestinian suffering.

This is another workout I pulled from the archives (GC, June 30, 2015). Back then we had 11 at the workout and it looks like only about 4 are still active in F3 – too bad. Today’s group included some of the core Golden Corralers who I see week after week so I expect to see them in the next 9 years. We had a dedicated group who worked hard this morning and it’s always a pleasure to lead them. Thanks for the invite Half Shell!

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Where are the Box Jumps?

Disclaimer disclaimed.
Mosey around HT parking lot. Circle up for
– 20 SSH IC
– 10 Windmills IC
– 10 LSS IC
– 10 MNCs IC
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
– Yoga

A little Buy in first. 7’s with Burpees and Bomb Jacks. Sjouldve been Box Jumps but YHC forgot the boxes.

Mosey to grace Church parking lot for the real Thang. Board of Pain had 7 exercises. Do all exercises and run a lap. 1st round had 20 reps, then 30 reps, then 40 reps, and finished with 10 reps.
– Merkins
– Squats
– LBCs
– CDDs
– Monkey Humpers
– American Hammers
– Flying Squirrels

Senator Tressel’s alarm went off at 5:49am, he said “good bye” and began to leave. YHC thought this was odd, but knew he had already completed the workout so no harm no foul.

Timing was a bit off, so we did one last round of 10 reps of each exercise, then moseyed back to CoT for some Mary.
MARY: Flutters, Box Cutters and Hello Dolly

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Burpee Fest this Saturday, Bethel Mens Shelter, Jaeger coming up!

COT: Stays in CoT.

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communication is key

WARMUP: Intro, mosey, warmup on the hill next to the church then mosey to church.
THE THANG: Thang 1: Deliberately gave confusing ab instructions with a run but ended with 300 reps for Leg lifts, American Hammers and LBC. Talked about the message of communication being vital. Especially with our kids, M’s, jobs and as leaders.
Thang2: Mosey to Walgreens to the side road between buildings. Picked Pax to give 20 reps of an ab exercise and sprint to the other side. Rinse and repeat 4 times. Again, clear communication needed.
Thang 3: Mosey to HT and to the wall near the Auto shop. Split Pax up on opposite walls and bear crawled towards each other having to communicate so heads did not get hit.
MARY: Mosey to COT, and BW lead is brogo for cool down.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAMP for Autism, Q School, Ass Kicking April and Rock Hill 10 year.
COT: Prayers for health, communication with kids and patience.

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We are the REAL National Champions

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan NightClubs
Peter Parkers
Tappy Taps

1st quarter:
Patty cake 11s , 1 patty cake and run to other parking lot island for 10 LBCs

2nd quarter:
Suicide DORA
First partner runs suicides to the four lines while other works on below:
– 100 Carolina Dry Docks
– 200 Dips
– 300 calf raises

Halftime – nice ten count by Skipper

3rd quarter:
In between 6 parking spaces broad jump to first line, bear crawl to next, repeat. Run back to beginning.
Do 10 Bobby Hurley’s
Repeat above
Do 20 Mountain Climbers
Repeat above
Do 30 Shoulder taps

4th quarter:
Let’s practice defense! In basketball defensive position (knees bent, hands high at eye level), shuffle left/right from cone to cone. So this with a brick in each hand. Walk back to front with hands held high.
Repeat 7x

American Hammers for Purdue
Leg circles
Dying cockroach

Cubbie’s message: Play till the whistle blows. No matter what hard thing you are going through, keep pushing yourself one step beyond what you are capable.

COT: Decibels son’s surgery, families.

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All About the Ass Kicking Benjamins


Imperial Walker
Hillbilly Walker
Honeymooner/Downward Dog

Mosey to Grace

Dora at Grace
100 Merkins
5 Burpees with partner
100 Squats
5 Burpees with partner
100 Dry Docks
5 Burpees with partner
100 Lunges
5 Burpees with partner
100 LBCs
5 Burpees with partner

Serpentine Run with 5 merkins

Mosey to COT

Mary was completed

Bethel Men’s Shelter
AMRAP for Autism


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We’re Not, Not Trying to Have Fun!

Nine for a full-body workout and epic mumblechatter at Golden Corral. Here’s what we did:

* 10 SSH
* 10 Imperial Walkers
* 10 Windmills
* 10 Merkins
* 10 Mountain Climbers
* Serpentine run the lot stopping at each cart corral for 10 Irkins, 10 Derkins, 10 Dips (x5)
Triangle of Pain (3 pain stations – repeat exercises at each stop)
* 10 Burpees
* 20 Shoulder Taps
* 30 Hammers
* 40 Squats
* 40 Calf Raises
* 30 LBCs
* 20 Merkins
* 10 Overhead Claps
Lunge Walk back to COT

You can design a workout but you never know what chatter will commence. From the moment I stepped out of the truck, I knew today was going to be a good one.

We took turns giving The Pirate some unsolicited fatherly advice like, “Don’t worry, kids are surprisingly resilient. They bounce!” We also learned that no matter how old you get, fart jokes are funny.

Where else can adult men tell jokes and act like kids without judgment? It just proves that though we age, we never really mature. F3 is grown man recess, and I’m in for it.


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Two Bags of Treasure

Chilly morning at the Corral..Most stayed in their vehicles until a few minutes before wheels up. We had a FNG, one of his buddies had mentioned our group. FIrst name Greg, went to ECU (Home of the Pirates). We all thought about the character in Dodgeball movie, Greg the Pirate.
We got started with warm-ups in the parking lot (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters).
Next, we used the two sandbags. Two men carried the sandbags around the parking lot until the rest of the group ran around the parking lot and caught up with them. It was suppose to be a tempo run in the opposite direction, but it ended up being more like a catch me if you can. Remember – not a professional. We rotated until everyone carried a bag.
Next, we moseyed to the Pet grooming store, dropped the bags and ran to the oppose side of the parking lot. Two pax ran to the bags and did 5 reps of Manmakers (rd1+rd3), Squat Thrusters (rd2) while the other pax did various exercises. Flapjack – three rounds.
I did get a chuckle when Change Order said to the FNG, “Grab you ankles” as he describe how to do a Monkey Humper.
Few minutes left for some Mary.
Back to COT.

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Two Bags of Treasure

Chilly morning at the Corral..Most stayed in their vehicles until a few minutes before wheels up. We had a FNG, one of his buddies had mentioned our group. FIrst name Greg, went to ECU (Home of the Pirates). We all thought about the character in Dodgeball movie, Greg the Pirate.
We got started with warm-ups in the parking lot (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters).
Next, we used the two sandbags. Two men carried the sandbags around the parking lot until the rest of the group ran around the parking lot and caught up with them. It was suppose to be a tempo run in the opposite direction, but it ended up being more like a catch me if you can. Remember – not a professional. We rotated until everyone carried a bag.
Next, we moseyed to the Pet grooming store, dropped the bags and ran to the oppose side of the parking lot. Two pax ran to the bags and did 5 reps of Manmakers (rd1+rd3), Squat Thrusters (rd2) while the other pax did various exercises. Flapjack – three rounds.
I did get a chuckle when Change Order said to the FNG, “Grab you ankles” as he describe how to do a Monkey Humper.
Few minutes left for some Mary.
Back to COT.

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Two Bags of Treasure

Chilly morning at the Corral..Most stayed in their vehicles until a few minutes before wheels up. We had a FNG, one of his buddies had mentioned our group. FIrst name Greg, went to ECU (Home of the Pirates). We all thought about the character in Dodgeball movie, Greg the Pirate.
We got started with warm-ups in the parking lot (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters).
Next, we used the two sandbags. Two men carried the sandbags around the parking lot until the rest of the group ran around the parking lot and caught up with them. It was suppose to be a tempo run in the opposite direction, but it ended up being more like a catch me if you can. Remember – not a professional. We rotated until everyone carried a bag.
Next, we moseyed to the Pet grooming store, dropped the bags and ran to the oppose side of the parking lot. Two pax ran to the bags and did 5 reps of Manmakers (rd1+rd3), Squat Thrusters (rd2) while the other pax did various exercises. Flapjack – three rounds.
I did get a chuckle when Change Order said to the FNG, “Grab you ankles” as he describe how to do a Monkey Humper.
Few minutes left for some Mary.
Back to COT.

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Smells like…..well, you know 🤷‍♂️

WARMUP: Mosey to Grace Presby – SSH, LSS, MNC’s out of people’s chair, merkins, planks and a bit of Broga posing….but just a bit.
THE THANG: Dora appeared where the smells were most suspect
100 – burpees
200 – squats
300 – flutters

Mosey to the tire store for 7’s – Mike Tyson’s with Diamond merkins bear crawling in between.  

MARY:  just enough time for boxcutters before 0600 called
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks 1/2 shell for the call. Always honored to lead.

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